When do I have to pay tax?


Registered User
I started a new job last year as an employee with a uk employer - I work from home. They are not registered here as an employer so they pay me gross and I have to organise my own tax returns etc. - they pay employer's PRSI iro me which they submit directly. When do I have to pay my tax and PRSI? Do I have to submit each month or do I have the same deadline as self-employed people (31st October of following year?) Thanks.
Would you not be subject to uk paye? Revenue have very strict guidelines on who is calssed as an employee and who is classed as a contractor (self employed).
if your UK employer pays you from an Irish paypoint then it has to apply the Irish PAYE system.

Also if your activities mean that your UK employer has a branch in Ireland, then Irish PAYE should also be applied.

If you are paid directly from a UK bank account and the UK company does not have a branch in Ireland, then Irish PAYE may not apply. In that case your income is probably taxable as Schedule D Case III income rather that Schedule E (PAYE) income.

If your employer is operating Irish PRSI it sounds as though they have probably obtained tax advice on this matter so you should go to them with any concerns you have