Wheel not fitted correctly.


Registered User
Hi folks
I got to a tyre repaired and refitted recently on my car . Only latter to discover that the wheel nuts were fitted the wrong way around.After getting a friend to fit them correctly i return to the garage only to be told
"no harm done" .Is there any action i can take over this issue?

That's the problem with this country. Any mistake we find and we're looking for someone to blame and calling in the solicitors. Cop on!

What damage was done, which BTW is probably the first thing a judge would ask.

At least the garage were up front and didn't deny the made a mistake which would be well in their favour if it was me in your shoes.
How can wheel nuts be fitted "Wrong Way Around" ????

What kinda car do you have ?
Some cars come with studs and some some with nuts, Some nuts are tapered as to pull the wheel in to the exact centre while fitting it, That all it is. The wheel was tight an wasn't going to go anywhere so I'd just leave it and just make sure and check over the car next time i get it back from some where.
maybe i should have said nothing and just wait to see if it caused an accident.the problem with this country is nobody is responsible for thier actions.the garage didnt even ask what member of staff fitted the wheel.maybe i dont want to become another statstic on irelands roads!
why not look on the bright side, you are not injured or dead, unlike many people who went to bed last night with plans for today and who did not wake up!

I agree with Avns1s - most people want to blame someone for all misfortunes and claim easy money.

if you feel very strong, why not sue them for stress. let us all know the outcome of the case.
So no damage was actually caused in which case what would you be suing for? I doubt that you'd have much of a case on the basis of what could have happened. But consult with a solicitor if you feel that you have. I suspect that you will simple end up out of pocket due to legal fees to be honest.

A more pragmatic solution might be to seek a discount or even refund from the garage if you feel that they didn't do the job properly. If necessary take them to the Small Claims Court but you will need some corroborative evidence to back up your claim.
If you feel that strongly, put it in writing to them. You may feel better and it won't cost you more than a stamp. And tell ten people you know not to go there.
... the wheel nuts were fitted the wrong way around. After getting a friend to fit them correctly ....

These wheel nuts seem to be very strange indeed to take 2 people to figure out how to fit them. Are they of the same type as on my car?
I think you would get the most expensive lawyer you can find, and sue the garage and the wheel nut manufacturer...
You definitely have a very strong case.
The garage as a minimum should have found out who fitted the wheel and ensured that this didn't happen again. This may have been a once off or the person fitting the wheel may have thought that it was fitted correctly and will continue to do same.
That is exactly my point.If you run a business you should ensure that your staff are trained to do thier job.If the attude of the boss is"what harm done" what hope is their of the rest of the staff giving a f*&k about their work.This was never about looking for free/easy money.Is it too much to expect service if you pay well for it.
pay well for it probaly just got a puncture done ,last of the big spenders no wonder he didnt pay any heed to you ,ever sad person in this country hides behind a solictors letter,,