What's your favourite childhood sweet?

Hip to Sip: Tea With Gummy Balls

Known as boba teas, the drinks are featured at a new breed of tea bar popping up in college towns and trendy spots across the nation. Blended like martinis in metal cocktail shakers, the $3-to-$4 drinks, with their gummy balls of tapioca, are edging their way into the mainstream from California's Chinese American enclaves.

You could be on to something here horusd.


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I remember having tapioca dessert growing up. But never as exotic as these.

Tapioca used to remind me of tadpoles.

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Does anyone remember the chocolate bar Two & Two? It had interconnecting chocolate cubes, all filled with caramel. Im not sure if it was Cadurys or Rowntree Macintosh.

I loved that bar but I think one of the main reasons I did was whenever my father used to walk to the newsagent to get himself a paper on Saturday or Sunday morning he would always give me a nod and say to me "Come on Pal" and I knew I was in for a treat.

I remember them, Banker. Wasn't there flat chocolate between the squares?
I loved the Two and Two as well. there was a discussion on radio good few years ago about bringing back the old sweets and someone who worked where they made T&T were saying it would cost too much to make it these days with all the individual squares. That bar was the ultimate treat in my house.
I'm not bothered about chocolate but my sister just loved them and will always say the bar of chocolate she wants back is two and two's.

We use to get kit kats on a Thursday when the farmers journal and connaught tribune was bought. We were always always asked if we wanted a 'biscuit or a bar'. Myself and sis always said a bar so we'd get two bars each. My younger brothers use to ask for a biscuit but there was holy war one evening when the bar wasn't broken evenly, so in the end we all got half a kit kat each.

Use to munch them while watching all creatures great and small.
how come nobody mentioned a walnut whip? I used to love them, but the current ones on sale are muck. Almost as bad as those vile creme eggs with that awful filling.
how come nobody mentioned a walnut whip? I used to love them, but the current ones on sale are muck. Almost as bad as those vile creme eggs with that awful filling.

Yeah, I remember them well. I didn't realise that there was a version currently available...............

I agree also about creme eggs being vile, but on of my kids LOVES them!!!