What's your favourite childhood sweet?


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I bought a sherbet fizz today with a liquorice stick. Boy it brings back happy memories . What's your favourite childhood sweet ? Another personal favourite was Curely Wurelys. Happy days.
Dib dabs, similar to your favorite,but with a lollypop!
Kalipso bars..red devil ice pops..mint choc ices

And American creme soda was a favorite childhood drink.
I loved American cream soda! Must see if I can lay my mits on a bottle. I used to pop some HB icecream into it. Lurvely
Use to love chocolate mice and high land toffee bars.

If me and my sister were good, my mother would let us walk to the with 10 pence each. We'd buy a chilly willy 3 pence, a lollipop for 2 pence and a bag of taytos for 5 pence (remember there was a clear part to the bag where you could see the taytos).

We use to sit on the wall outside the shop and eat out feast. One day we found a 50 pence on the ground. Still remember how excited we were with the fortune we had to buy more sweets with.
My all-time favourite sweets were refreshers.

They just fizzed inside the mouth. But I also loved sherbet.

Aniseed balls - the old ones that had a really hard white bit in the centre.

And black jacks - although theyre still about.
I loved American cream soda! Must see if I can lay my mits on a bottle. I used to pop some HB icecream into it. Lurvely

I seen bottles of cream soda on sale in Aldi last week. Not sure if it is american cream soda or if there's any difference.
Fizzle sticks anyone??
And TK lemonade..
Like Becky,we were given 10p to spend on Fridays and would be delighted with ourselves,and bought a load of sweets,which then changed as we got older to a loose cigerette and a match for 2p!!!!!!!

We often bought broken biscuits that the local shop got from Jacobs..

We also had a particular dinner on different days.
For example, Friday was always the local chipper for fish and chips.Saturday was always stew,and on Sundays and Only Sundays we would get a trifle desert.

I remember that I loved Wednesday and Friday in school as we got Buns on Wednesday and Jam sandwiches on Fridays.
Hated the milk though,in those little glass bottles!!
Used to love macaroon bars and mint crisps. THey had them on sale in Lidl again this week!

all the dangerous/un-pc sweets I loved too. The money sweets you could get years ago. Of course so dangerous as could be money in the middle of them but loved them as kids. Also the straws that were filled with sherbet. Used to bring them to school and pretend they were biros so could be chewing on them . Used to love the candy cigarettes too and edible paper. All never to be experienced by my own kids!
Tootie Frooties - especially the purple ones! We used to warm them us in our hands so they were soft and chewy. You can buy them again but they are just not the same. <sigh>

I also loved, and still love, Jelly Beans, everyone knows not to touch my bag of them.
I loved penny sweets and the thrill of spending 25p pocket money on them and finding they had thrown in an extra couple cos they didn't want to count them all out!
Cola cubes or frosties, like fizzelina, we used to loads because they couldn't be bothered counting them. I'm probably too young to remember being able to get loads out of 10p but I do remember getting a punt every Sunday, going the shop with my brother and getting the dandy and loads of sweets and still having change. Good times sweets suck now they're not the same as before. I miss Roy Rover bars and Curly Wurlys.
I'm probably too young to remember being able to get loads out of 10p

I remember getting my first post-decimalisation pocket money and showing it to the shopkeeper and saying 'what can I get for this' ?

Last Halloween, LIDL stocked some blackjacks and fruit salads. I bought some of each - luckily my fillings stayed in, something I didn't have to consider the first time around, though those 2 events are linked !
On American TV you occasionally hear talk of "gummy balls"? What kind of sweets are these?

PS: Please keep your answer (relatively) clean
I loved Trigger Bars. For the younger generation around here, the were a bit like Chomp bars but the underside of the bar looked as if it had been run over by the tracks of a bulldozer. Yum Yum!

And I absolutely hated macroon bars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cola bottles and gobstoppers. Always remember being given money after Sunday mass of an All Ireland to buy sweets to eat during the big match on tv. This was in the half-penny era so if my dad was in an extra good mood ( ie if Kerry were in the final- and obviously odds were good in the 70s/early 80s) we might get a pound between the three youngest ( the older ones got more, pecking order). That was a LOT of sweets.