What's with AskAboutMoney?

Let's continue to manually ban and remove spam content so.

Most of it never gets through and we never see it.

Some of it is quarantined and the mods delete it without it ever troubling the users.

And a trickle gets in, usually overnight, and it's dealt with early in the morning. It's irritating, but that is all it is. (I get more irritated by users reporting obvious spam which has been up only a couple of minutes. )

We get more complaints from Frequent Posters who post from some new location - usually abroad - and find that they are prevented from posting due to their IP address being shared with known spammers.

I truly believe that the current Brendan Burgess is actually named Roddy. he inherited the website from the previous Brendan Burgess. The man Roddy inherited it from is not the real Brendan Burgess either. His name was Cummerbund. The real Brendan Burgess has been retired fifteen years and living like a king in Patagonia.

And if MyUser01 posts again suggesting more site redesign, I'd almost regard his suggestions as spam
IMO #2 wouldn't take long and would improve AAM UX immeasurably...

PS: you don't have to defeat the spammers per se. Just put enough hurdles in their way so that it's no longer worth their while attacking.

We await your donation to fund the improvements.

No solution or combination of solutions will ever be 100% spam proof. To get close, as you say, you need to put up so many hurdles that they give up. The problem with that approach is that spammers are generally more persistent that non-spammers as they are financially motivated. So for every spammer we'd deter, we'd lose many more genuine posters.
Folks, just to be crystal clear. I don't want donations.

In the past, when people gave money, some of them thought that gave them some sort of exemption from the Posting Guidelines. And I don't want someone to say "I donated €50 and so I don't expect to see spam any more"

Can I have my money back?