What's the worst tasting food?

mayonaise ... hate the stuff
tuna ... ugh
cabbage ... and especially those little ones at christmas!
had piranha in brazil once, that wasnt very nice, very boney. also dont like casseroles and stews. one of the other strangest foods i have eaten and enjoyed is alligator, very chewy but still quite nice. it was deep fried and accompanied by ketchup. some other foods i dont like are turnips, combined with carrots its just horrible.
I have to say I'm probably one of the least fussy eaters that I know.

But both capers and anchovies can feck right off.

Generalising, but most Polish food I've had (with a few exceptions) ranges from bland to repulsive.
Not food, per se, but a colleague recently returned from a break in the USA and brought back some Hershey 'Chocolate' Kisses.

The nearest thing to eating toxic waste !

The 'chocolate' itself is gritty and sweet, then a chemical aftertaste kicks in. Pure muck.

That's interesting, I remember when I lived in the States a lot of people didn't eat Hershey's as they believed the Factory / Farms producing the milk were close to the site of infamous Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant. Have to say it didn't stop me eating their Peanut Butter Cups yum.

Worst tasting food? potatoes which are too firm, make my teeth and jaws do a strange backward chew......and similarly vegetables which are very soft do something similar.
I would eat just about anything and am not at all fussy except for:
Liver - smells lovely when cooking....but tastes disgusting
Kidneys - revolting texture
Marmite - it's true that you eiother love or hate it..my boyfriend loves it, I hate it.
I would eat just about anything and am not at all fussy except for:
Liver - smells lovely when cooking....but tastes disgusting
Kidneys - revolting texture
Yes, I avoid eating anything that is involved in cleaning the blood and/or producing faeces.
I hate lamb. Might as well eat sweat socks, just has that smell and taste! Oh and mushy marrowfat peas, the sloppy prison food sort, another gym bag accessory.Stink a roo! Hate vinegar, must just have a sensative nose!!