What's the time?


Registered User
Is there a speaking clock or a web page where you can get the accurate time.

Is there a speaking clock or a web page where you can get the accurate time?

The time is as follows on my various time pieces:
Watch - 13.00
PC - 13.01
Phone - 13.01
Mobile - 13.00
Clock - 13.03

So what is the correct time?
Please don't duplicate posts/threads. See the posting guidelines. I've merged your two into one thread.
ClubMan said:
Please don't duplicate posts/threads. See the posting guidelines. I've merged your two into one thread.

Sorry, this was an accident - I pressed the return key to move down a line and this seemed to have caused my thread to post, I continued with my message and posted what I thought was my original post.
Re grenwich,Remember to add around 200ms to allow for the turnaround time on the internet