What's in a name eh!?

I think there was a worst one in [broken link removed]

Just did some research and I find that Dublin had a lane by the same name near the Savoy Cinema
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As an aside I now know why people name their daughters Mercedes and their sons Austin Martin

Mercedes is a female name and has been for centuries (very popular in Spain as it happens). The car was indeed named after the manufacturers daughter. Simple fact I'm afraid.

Mercedes is a female name and has been for centuries (very popular in Spain as it happens). The car was indeed named after the manufacturers daughter. Simple fact I'm afraid.

Ahem Caveat I was joking. I know Mercedes as a name has been around for centuries... as has Cortina, Polo, Jetta, 3 series, 5 Series....

So, tell us, in these recessionary times, how did you land that gig? ....well everyone can contribute to the household finances ... trust a Scotsman to have it sussed .... mi-oww (only .. err ... kidding ).

We've a fierce cute wee lad (or maybe there's a parent version of beer goggles) but I reckon he could have flogged a few nappies (no bare This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language shots though - couldnt psychologically scar him with that !!). Gutted to hear he's missed the boat at age 2, there's another in production though so, please God & touch wood etc. we'll be hitting Hollywood with the next one
So, tell us, in these recessionary times, how did you land that gig? ....well everyone can contribute to the household finances ... trust a Scotsman to have it sussed .... mi-oww (only .. err ... kidding ).

Unfortunatly it didn't pay but my expenses were always covered. Nine years ago I came across an american idea called baby signing which is a way of communicating with pre verbal babies. A tv show in the UK contacted the US based author and he told them about us, at that point the only people he knew of in the UK using it. Long story short, they contacted us, we did a segment for that show and then spent the next year or so doing various others and some newspapers too. I was in the News of the World..and I didn't have to sleep with someone famous! While people started using it after that they always came back to us, apparently the scottish accent can sell anything.

By the time the idea caught on enough to be financially viable in the UK I had retired my daughter from the media circus and moved on. Every now and again I get a call asking me to get involved again, especially after I moved to Ireland but I'd moved on.

It's a lovely thing for kids to have when they get older but the work, lonely nights in hotels, sitting around green rooms and Richard Madley are all things I'd seriously think twice about getting involved in again!