What's an acceptable level of noise from neighbours?


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just looking for feedback on what is an acceptable level of noise from neighbours.
I live in an apartment block, and frequently my neighbours from the apartment below put on music which is so loud it drowns out my TV (which I normally have on fairly low so as not to disturb any neighbours). I have the option of blaring my TV too (which wouldnt be very relaxing) or just reading the subtitles, which is what I do. The music is so loud that it would be hard to concentrate on reading a book/doing a Sudoku etc.

Generally this level of noise would last an hour or so, and then is reduced.
A couple of time I have nicely asked them to lower the volume, and which much grumbling, they do, but the next night, the music would be just as loud.

Now, my problem is that since this happens so much and so unapologetically, I've lost sight if this is acceptable behaviour from them or not. In their defence, this level of noise is never during the night - instead generally about 9 or 10pm (with low level noise till 1am), and also during weekends.

So my question is : is it ever acceptable to have music this loud, or am I being unreasonable expecting that they cant blare their music in the evening if they want to?
(Note, I dont live in Ireland, so unfortunately any feedback on noise regulations wont apply here).

Would be interested in hearing what you think about my neighbours' behavior!

(PS I'm very quiet in the apartment - walk on wooden floors only in slippers, never have loud TV or music, ensure spin cycle on washing machine finishes before 10pm etc).
If you live in the UK you can get the Environmental Health Dept. to come in and measure the noise for you. There are always problems with noise in apartment blocks, something to do with insulation probably and also anti social behaviour. Sometimes these people know that it annoys you so continue to do it.

If you can move somewhere else do before it affects your health. In this type of accommodation there has to be give and take on both sides. Can you try again talking to them and maybe invite them to your place sometimes this helps if you can be on friendly terms otherwise move out.
I don't think this is acceptable from them. They know it disturbs you but they don't care.
Why not ask them to come into your apartment when their music is on and see for themselves how loud it is. Maybe they feel you are being OTT and do not undertsand how disturbing it is.
What you are describing is unacceptable. I had a noise problem with the neighbours above whose "nocturnal" activities involved a lot of loud dramatic screaming (I'm sure she was faking!). At first it was kinda funny but after a few weeks of the loud noise every night the funny side was lost on me! I complained to the apartment complex management company who wrote the tennant a letter asking them to tone it down a little. It did seem to work a little!

thanks for the feedback. I didnt think I was being unreasonable but wanted to check! It really is so stressful - I spend every minute waiting for the noise to start.

Yes, I'm going to write a letter to the apartment management company and also to the landlord of that apartment explaining the problem, and ask them to write a letter to the tennants asking them to tone it down.

Yes, good idea - I should ask them up to my apartment when they have the music on, so that they can see who the sound carries.

Thanks again.
I hope it gets resolved for you......if not I would consider moving as that kind of stress is not good for you.
I have neighbours next door (terraced house) who, over the years, constantly marked our card over noise etc.Wishing not to offend, we tried to tone down our noise level and be more diligent in cleaning up after dogs (2) etc, etc.
After years of periodic knocks on the door, we felt like intruders in our own house.All the noises of our lifestyle and none of theirs were a problem.
Our two dogs would bark indoors now and again but for less than a minute.Few late night parties or very loud music.
We now accept no complaints from them and live our lives our way.
I am writing this to show that, in some cases, the complainant can be the problem.
I don`t doubt the veracity of your case.
People who own dogs often do not realise how annoying their barking can be for neighbours.
There has to be give and take in city living. The real solution is that builders properly insulate appartments. But in reality there will be a certain amount of noise. I play acoustic guitar and sing myself. I don't do this after 10, but it is an essential part of my life. Other people have babies or young children, and they have the capacity to be louder than a good stereo! But one thing we need for sure is high building standards. They are making enough money.

yes we need better insulation to solve issues like this.

Grumpy I take your point about sometimes the complainant being the problem, but that really isnt the case here. I try to ignore as much of the noise as possible (for example the last two mornings at 7:30am my neighbours have been playing what sounds like a digereedoo (spelling?) at top volume!! I dont know when they sleep since they were watching TV till 2am!) and I only ask them to tone it down when it goes on for hours or when my furniture is vibrating from the noise.

Bamhan said:
People who own dogs often do not realise how annoying their barking can be for neighbours.

I accept this.
But people who own _ _ _ _ often do not realise how annoying their _ _ _ _ can be.You could fill in children/music/DIY etc. etc.Few of us think our noise is a problem, only the sort of noise from next door.My neighbour has two young children.We can`t create a rural ideal in the city.
Unreasonable intrusion, whether noise or otherwise is something else.
There are laws to deal with this.Law enforcement is abysmal in this state.
All we get are excuses and more excuse.
There should be a law against excuses...but then again, it wouldn`t be enforced.