Whatever was posted, wasn't me!


Registered User
My son and his 2 friends, who slept over last night, have 'confessed' this morning that they posted a 'joke' in this section that was obviously offensive and has been deleted.

I would just like to apologise for any offence caused and to thank whoever deleted it as I would not have wanted anyone to think I had posted it.

I don't know exactly what was posted, they got it from the Internet and don't remember where.

The thing is, they just used the drop down menu in MS Explorer and clicked on AAM's address and were welcomed automatically as me. I assume there's a cookie at work here - is there anything I can do to restrict access to AAM without my password? Should I try to find and delete the cookie and log in every time I use AAM?

I understand that my own parental control also has to be tightened and apologise again for whatever they posted.
When you've finished a session, click 'log out' - top right of the screen. This will help a bit. However, when you go to log back in again, you're username/password will have been stored. To get around this:

For Firefox - Tools>options...>privacy
Here you can clear passwords etc.
Thanks umop3p!sdn I'll logout now each time and will not check the 'remember me' box and they won't be able to get in again.
Hi Delgirl

You can also click on your own name to get a list of all your posts to see if there is anything you would not have wanted to post.

If you uncheck the 'remember me' everytime you log in it will log you off when you close down (on firefox anyway). It also logs you out if inactive after a while as well. When I use any public machine I always clear all cache/cookies after use thru the options - privacy - clear all in Firefox and in IE Tools - Internet options - delete cookies and delete history/files. Perhaps you need the routine as you're machine appears to have a few users.

Delgirl, if using Windows XP (or 2000 for that matter), why not just set up a different user account for your kids than the one you use?

They won't have access to your history or cookies or favourites then.
Good idea M.Bond, I have XP. I'll have to protect myself from any further mortification!