What world leader do you most admire and why.


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What it says; who and why.
With so much contempt for leaders in Ireland and across the world is there any world leader that anyone on AAM still admires?
Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

What it says; who and why.
With so much contempt for leaders in Ireland and across the world is there any world leader that anyone on AAM still admires?

Do they have to be alive and/or currently in power?
Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

... With so much contempt for leaders in Ireland ...
If you mean the clique of cute hoors, gombeen men, mé féiners, crooks, thieves and back-stabbers I have to say I admire them greatly; its the greatest collection of cute hoors, gombeen men, mé féiners, crooks, thieves and back-stabbers any small nation has ever assembled.
Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

You mean the ones that we as a nation have consistently voted for?
What does it say about the electorate then?

Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

And in answer to the question ( rising quickly above the parapet and as quickly back down again!) Barack Obama

Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

I suppose that's what I was getting at; there are far more corrupt governments in the developed world and many with the blood of thousands of innocent men women and children on their hands (and in the case of France hundreds of thousands) yet we think our lot is the worst... strange.
Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

Ronald McDonald consistantly produces the goods . Ask Morgan Spurlock.
Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

Amiration may be too strong but Angela Merkel seems very competent, not a populist but seems to keep her head down and gets on with the job

That said I am no expert on german politics!

However she compares favourably,as far as I know, to the following:

Brian Cowen
Gordon Brown
Silvio Berlusconi ( although he is great for a laugh)
Nicolas Sarkozy ( who for some reason makes my skin crawl)
Most african leaders (although Im sure there must be good ones about whom we never hear..possibly the lady now in charge of sierra leone)

Obama may well be a very good leader but its too early to tell-certainly in terms of foreign policy- he has made some good decisions -but he is benefitting from succeeding probalby the worst leader of a western developed nation since world war two so if he just sat in the WH twiddling his thumbs he would be a massive improvement. The concern with Obama is that economically he is throwing so much money at so many problems the worry is it will all end in disaster. I hope not.

I know very little about most leaders of the following countries;

canada, australia, new zealand, most of south america, most of asia so I cannot compare so

Yup my vote is for Angie!
Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

What did France do??? Did I not get the Memo?
Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

What did France do??? Did I not get the Memo?

They did everything they could to support the murder of 800'000 people in Rwanda.

This report is the opinion of the Rwandan government.

This is from 1999.
Lieutenant General Roméo Dallaire was the head of UN forces in Rwanda in 1994 and he has been scathing of France. He describes it is harrowing detail in his book "Shake hands with the Devil".
[broken link removed] from Global Policy Forum (they monitor the UN but I know very little about them or their biases) shows the complicity between the Francophile head of the UN at the time and the French government. They are by no means the only people shouting about this.

The bottom line is that the Genocide, which had been meticulously planned for years, kicked off when President Juvenal Habyarimana's plane was shot down. The plane was a present from the French government, crewed by three French secret service agents. The French never carried out an enquiry even though three of it's citizens were killed. The rocket is said to have been Iraqi, confiscated by the French four years earlier during Desert Storm.

Up to 700 French special forces were on the ground fighting with the genocidal forces against the RPA (the guys trying to stop the genocide). When they were beaten back they then sent in thousands of men under the pretext of a humanitarian mission. The real mission was to allow the genocidal forces to regroup. This happened in Goma in what was then Zaire and resulted in tens of thousands more women and children being murdered in Rwanda, the destabilisation of the Great Lakes region and the Congolese civil war (the biggest was since the Second World War).

The USA is by no means clean when it comes to Rwanda (anyone remember Madanile Albright and the State department dancing around the word “Genocide” with “Acts of Genocide” so that they would not have to act on the 1948 genocide convention?) and the UK were not much better but the French were proactive in the killing.

Here I have to admit my bias; over a number of year reading about these event I have grown to admire Paul Kagame, leader of the RPA and now President of Rwanda, more than any modern political or military leader. He is by no means perfect but not only has he performed an economic and social miracle as a politician, as a general he was probably the greatest practitioner of manoeuvre warfare of the last 100 years. My favourite book about him is "http://www.amazon.com/Thousand-Hills-Rwandas-Rebirth-Dreamed/dp/0470120150 (A Thousand Hills) by Stephen Kinzer.
Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

Ok I'll read the links but in a nutshell in your opinion what was in it for the French...
Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

I'm struggling to think of a world leader but having seen Brian Crowley on the telly on Saturday night, you have to admire the way he has got on with life after his accident.
Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

Ok I'll read the links but in a nutshell in your opinion what was in it for the French...

The maintenance of their sphere of influence in West Africa.

The RPA was made up mainly of Tutsis (and the children of Tutsis) who had fled to Uganda in the 1950’s after the Belgians turned their back on their allies during Rwandan independence. Uganda is an ally of the US and English is the main foreign language spoken there. When President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda was fighting against Idi Amin the Tutsi refugees made up a large part of his army (Kigami was head of intelligence) so the RPA was heavily supported by Uganda.
France did not want Rwanda to fall into the Anglo-American sphere of influence and didn’t care how much blood was spilled to keep it Francophile. This was not the first time France showed its willingness to spill blood to keep its influence in an African state; they were happy to resist Algerian independence in the 1950’s in a war that cost over half a million lives.

The Tutsi minority had made up the ruling class for centuries. In pre-colonial times they ruled by consent with “Hutu” and “Tutsi” being social and political terms as much an Ethnic groupings but under the Belgians (the same guys that killed over a million people in Congo when King Leopold II raped the country) the Tutsi rulers became brutal and oppressive. The Hutu leaders used the fear of a return to that Tutsi rule to whip up hatred against the Tutsis over years, sowing the seeds of genocide. The French were aware of this and actively supported those involved.
Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

He's not perfect by any stretch but I have a lot of admiration for Mikheil Saakashvili, the President of Georgia.
Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

Obama seems to be doing the decent thing, closing the detainment centers and working on the foreign policy with the middle east.
Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

Purple, I think this would be more exciting as a tournament. I set out the Quarter Finals below. Rules: first to reach 3 votes wins QF. First to 5 for SF and first to 7 for Final.

QF1 Obama (1 my vote) v Mendelev
QF2 Sarkozy (1) v Brown
QF3 Merkel (1) v Berlusconni
QF4 The Pope (1) v Ahmaninejad


Evens Obama, 5/1 the Pope, 7/1 Merkel, 10/1 Sarkozy, 16/1 Brown, 20/1 Berlusconni, 100/1 Ahmaninejad & Mendelev
Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

My votes are with the Dukes save that Brown beats Sarkozy
Re: What world leader to you most admire and why.

Obama seems to be doing the decent thing, closing the detainment centers and working on the foreign policy with the middle east.

You obviously haven't heard of his Indefinite Detention Without Trial whereby people will be held without trial because the President thinks they carried out a crime but has no way of proving it in a court or thinks they may carry out a crime in the future.

Friday May 22, Washington Post. Also in Sunday Times on May 24th.
"We are going to exhaust every avenue that we have to prosecute those at Guantanamo who pose a danger to our country," Obama said.
"But even when this process is complete, there may be a number of people who cannot be prosecuted for past crimes, but who nonetheless pose a threat to the security of the United States."
"If and when we determine that the United States must hold individuals to keep them from carrying out an act of war, we will do so within a system that involves judicial and congressional oversight." He pledged to work with Congress to come up with an "appropriate legal regime" that is "consistent with our values and our Constitution."