What will you do cometh the next boom?


Registered User
I think I'll go into property development in a big way. I'll blag & fabricate my earnings and start by flipping a few sites (after getting planning permission by playing golf with a local councillor). From there I'll progress to building a few houses or a block of apartments. All the while I'll siphon off a large portion of my money abroad. To keep up my image I'll be a regular at the tanning salon and will shop in London for my sophisticated smart-casual attire. When things look to have taken a turn, my children will get their inheritance and I'll transfer the house to Mrs Firely (who will have landed a senior job at a largely unknown quango that involves a lot of junkets abroad on fact finding missions). So complicated will my group of inter-related companies be that I'll be able to offer my services to whoever bails me out for 250k. On the cutbacks side, the personal trainer will probably be cut to twice a week and shopping in NY will only become an annual event. I'll be spending less time in the tanning salon too as this will make me appear to have money so the one thing I'll be spending more on is factor 45 for the quarterly trips to my little place in Antibes. I'll moan (in public) constantly about whoever is in government.
I am going to purchase 2 large houses, minimum 5 bedrooms each, one must have a swimming pool because like they are my dream houses. Will also buy a few brand new cars, an SUV that I can't control is top of the list, and go on at least 3 holidays abroad a year, the annual shopping trip to New York is a must.

As a woman it is essential I dye my hair blond and have it professionally straightened once a week. I might develop a bizarre accent. Tacky looking Chanel or D&G bags also essential.

I will scoff, laugh and ultimately remove from my circle of friends anyone who is stupid enough to live within their means and save up for things. Idiots!!

Of course all of this will be funded by credit I can't actually afford and when it all goes wrong again I will complain that I shouldn't have to pay the money back as it was all the banks fault for lending it me in the first place. Might schedule in an appearance on Today with Martin and Sybil where I can cry and moan about how difficult and heartbreaking it all is and all I did was follow my dreams

then I will temporarily move the UK, get declared bankrupt,all my debts magically disappear and I am ready to go again for Boom number 3.

I'll get onto my union rep and look to be benchmarked against my private sector equivilant
Dont hold your breath!

A new boom on the scale we saw is at least 25 years away.

The current crop of politicians and crooked bankers need to be replaced with a new lot in order for a credit boom as we had to develop.