What will he clear?


Registered User
Roughly how much would a married man with 2 children clear if he is on a salary of €54,000?

I hope this doesn't sound like a lazy question.

Believe me we have tried to figure this out but as both of us have been self-employed for many, many years the world of PAYE is completely alien to us. We keep coming up with different answers each time....
Assuming the wife has no income and there are no other reliefs claimed, the net should work out like this:-

€44,400 x 20%= 8,880
€9,600 x 41%= 3,936
less credits
Married (3,660)
PAYE - (1,830)

Tax= 7,326

6604 at 2%= 132
47396 at 6%= 2,844

Total tax & prsi= 10302

Net= 43698
There is also a home carer's credit of €900 which can be claimed if the spouse has little or no income