What will become Unfashionable in a recession

No stress in the boom times?
My point is that people tend to use alcohol for a variety of reasons which gives it a form of recession-proofing: celebration, stress-relief, commisseration etc.

The sarcastic rolleyes smiley is hardly warranted.
The sarcastic rolleyes smiley is hardly warranted.

I just found it odd that you seemed to associate stress with recessions. Personally, I found that work during the boom years (say 1999-2006) was on balance busier and more stressful than previously or subsequently. I don't think I am alone in this.
How long have things got to be growing before becoming indigenous? AFAIK your actual humble spud came from America or Italy.

Ah here, I know its wet and all, but paddy fields in Ireland??
I can just see the Mayo men with conical straw hats and baler twine around the trousers.
You're not alone !

still, theres nothing worse than money worries, and these were probably less during the boom years.

'Busy stress' can wear you down about but I'd prefer it to 'gun to the head' stress of not making ends meet/negative equity etc. etc.
My point is that people tend to use alcohol for a variety of reasons which gives it a form of recession-proofing: celebration, stress-relief, commisseration etc.

The sarcastic rolleyes smiley is hardly warranted.

I think ubi needs to be careful or those eyes will roll out of his/her head!

BTW Dave, I agree, give me the stress of a tight deadline over wondering how to pay the bills any day!

Have to disagree with you on that one.
I haven't seen a pub full on a Friday night for some time, to be honest.

RTE - Thursday, 2 October 2008 22:31
Publicans claim thousands of jobs have been lost in the drinks industry over the past seven years because of pub closures.

The two organisations representing vintners around the country say figures show 1,500 pubs have closed since 2001.

The Licensed Vintners Association and the Vintners' Federation of Ireland have laid the blame on taxes on alcohol, the growth of home drinking and declining consumption.

They say analysis of the number of accounts held by the major drinks manufacturers who supply pubs across the country confirms that the number of on-trade accounts has declined by 1,500 since 2001, from 11,000 to 9,500.

They say Ireland has the most heavily taxed alcohol market in Europe, and are now calling on Minister for Finance not to increase tax on drink in the forthcoming Budget.