What/What Not to Buy at Lidl/Aldi

I'm beginning to think I may need treatment, cause I kind of like these ( and I'm being serious this time):

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It's a lovely beer. Around 79c in Germany.

Around October Aldi also sold Kostritzer for a week - this is a gorgeous dunkel beer and worth buying if it comes back.
May have said this before but IMO the garlic in Lidl/Aldi is not worth buying - it's always the inferior Chinese garlic as opposed to e.g. French/Spanish.

Not limited to Lidl/Aldi of course but at least in other supermarkets you seem to have a choice - I've never seen anything but Chinese in Aldi/Lidl though.
After the 'list' is made, Lidl is the first port of call. Usually 99% of 'the list' is filled and extra treats... Then its just handful of items for example stock cubes and worcestershire sauce that type of thing from elsewhere. We have shopped at Lidl for years now, oh how trends change... I was considered a maverick shopper by some friends and now they all shop there, ah its great to be proved right!
After the 'list' is made, Lidl is the first port of call. Usually 99% of 'the list' is filled and extra treats... Then its just handful of items for example stock cubes and worcestershire sauce that type of thing from elsewhere.

Same here, i do a blitz in Lidl or Aldi, sometimes even both and then what i cant get or dont wat to buy in Lidl i go to Tescos, time consuming but worth it.
Lidl's choc brand- JD Gross is made by Rausch and is one of the best chocolate brands in Europe. Paticularly their 70/75% cocoa solids. Much better than Green&Blacks and much much cheaper. I'm addicted. My local branch doesn't always have it so when I see it I tend to stock up!
Parma ham etc is also very good. And most of their veg is from Kildare so it's local and seasonal.
I don't think the veg is particularly good - it's only OK IME.

But mainly what I've noticed is that it goes off very quickly - have you noticed that rarely if ever do their veg have 'best before' or 'use by'?
the lidl vienetta is amazing - sooooo much nicer than proper vienetta and really good value! I also love the apple strudel that you buy frozen and cook in the oven. I got some smoked salmon there last night and thought it was very nice and good value at 2.99.
I have bought ready made pancakes in Aldi and loved them. Great for upcoming Pancake Tuesday for those who can't be bothered to make their own.
the pudding,black and white is lovely.there also seems to be a conspiracy with the oranges.they hid a bad one in every package.anyone ever notice this.
Their Irish wholemeal brown soda bread (89 cent) is gorgeous. Also, their Choco Nussa hazelnut spread (99 cent) is as nice if not nicer the Nutella. And finally, their Nike sardines in olive oil (55 cent) is my favourite.

Don't worry, I don't work for Lidl.
I dont drink tea but I hear that the tea in Lidl and Aldi is absolutely godawfull!

Which tea: mint, orange, berry, green etc... or "Irish Tea"? Maybe its a person trying non-fermented tea for the first time. I think all the teas in Lidl / Aldi are both good on taste and price.

The coffees are good also and great value.
Just back from a holiday in Germany: We shoped in Lidl and the Quelle sparkling water there was 19c per bottle here its 49c, also the cost of meat and fish is massively diffrent (maybe as much as 40-50% cheaper)
Just back from a holiday in Germany: We shoped in Lidl and the Quelle sparkling water there was 19c per bottle here its 49c, also the cost of meat and fish is massively diffrent (maybe as much as 40-50% cheaper)
Costs are much higher in Ireland than Germany. This is reflected in the prices charged.