What way are you voting?

It already has impacted at the bookies. He was in the lead before Monday, and now he's fallen back to 2nd place.
I’ll probably still give Gallagher my number one but if there was a “none of the above” box I’d give that my number one instead.
After that it’s probably Mitchell, Michael Twee, Norris, Davis, Dana, the IRA candidate.

Complainer, you haven’t told us who you’re giving your number one to. I suspect I know who it is though.
I'm going to vote

1. Gallagher
2. Dustin (going to bring a little sticker of Dustin and put it on the ballot paper)

Yes to reducing greedy civil serv ... eh I mean judges' pay
No to Abbeylara

Actually the bookies are regularly wrong, not least in this election campaign. In fact Boylesports already paid out on Higgins as a winner before the next opinion poll showed Gallagher on 40%. Whoever decided to pay out on that must have been worried after that opinion poll came out!

On 02-Oct, Gallagher was 40/1 in most bookies (I'm on at 33/1 myself). Then the opinion poll came out with him on roughly 21% and he shot in to 5/1. Then a second poll a day later confirming the 21% and he went odds on.

He then drifted out to odds-against and Higgins went favourite again. Then another poll showed Gallagher well ahead on 40% and he went favourite again before last Monday's debate.

The bookies haven't a clue here and I reckon they will all lose money on this result.
Going home soon. Will then head out with wife & kids to vote.

Judges Pay - No
This is a Government smokescreen to avoid making hard decisions on public sector pay and rewards. The amount of money involved in reducing judge's pay is irrelevant in relation to the overall problems.

Abbeylara - No
I don't trust members of the Oireachtas to act in objective best interests.

#7 yer man who isn't resident in this country
#6 yer wan who who is only occasionally resident in this country
#5 the PC pinko bloke who loves the sound of his own voice
#4 the other PC pinko bloke who loves the sound of his own voice

#3 }
#2 } Don't yet know. May involve tossing a 3-sided coin.
#1 } Or let my 9yo decide for me
It already has impacted at the bookies. He was in the lead before Monday, and now he's fallen back to 2nd place.

Michael D Higgins was 5/2 before the Frontline Debate. Within hours of the debate he was back to 8/11.

I reckon McGuinness has big money on Higgins. I know I have!

Gave a lower preference to everyone bar McGuiness

Yes to judges pay cuts
no to increasing Oireachtas powers
I have counted 10 posters in this thread who have indicated how they will vote on the "Abbeylara" referendum.

Yes 9
No 1

All the media are saying that it will probably be passed as the "no" side came out too late.

Are we better informed than most?

Better informed - certainly .

Better at counting no !

It's - No 9

- Yes 1
No more betting now (except on Betfair)

Higgins closed at 1/2 while Gallagher closed at 6/4 so betting very tight at the end there
I can't vote, but my wife voted Gallagher and no to both referenda.

I’ll probably still give Gallagher my number one but if there was a “none of the above” box I’d give that my number one instead.
After that it’s probably Mitchell, Michael Twee, Norris, Davis, Dana, the IRA candidate.
You could just spoil your vote by writing none of these on the ballot paper.

I was just about to do a count, I thought it would have been closer. Saying that though, pretty much everyone I talked to at work said they would not vote yes to extend the Dail powers.
I'm feeling exposed as being the only person in the country to have voted Yes to 'Abbeylara' - I thought 'Ivor Callelly' would be a better tag for it