what to pack/bring for a long flight?


Registered User
hi everyone,

I'm flying to Las Vegas via Newark with Continental airlines in a few weeks.

We depart Dublin airport at 11am, flight to Newark is 7.5 hours, then a 3.5 hour stopover and then back on to a 5.5 hour flight to Las Vegas.

Its been a few years since I've flown long distance.

I know we will get some sort of meals on the flights, but I assume I should bring snacks etc. also? Is there any restrictions on what food you can bring on board the plane? I'm not planning on bringing anything exotic, just normal items like sandwiches, crisps etc. Will that be ok in hand luggage?

Does anyone know if Continental provide any sort of toiletry bag with toothbrush/toothpaste etc.?
Apart from the usual (flight socks, baby wipes for keeping clean, moisturiser, vaseline for lips, warm sweater, ipod, books) is there anything else that I should consider?

Also, what sort of facilities are there in Newark airport - would it be worth paying for access to an airline lounge in the hope of trying to take a shower to freshen up? Or is that even possible?

Hi bluebean,

one thing to consider is the limitations on liquids in luggage, any liquids that you do bring must be in bottles no more than 100ml and in a clear plastic resealable bag no more than 1l in size. This includes things like vaseline but not baby wipes.

I have purchased food in the airport and brought it onto US-bound flights, I think it is okay as long as you consume it on the flight, don't know about bringing food from home but I don't think security in Dublin gets too worked up over ham sandwiches. I usually bring snacks but buy them after security for the sake of space in my carry-on. Just to note most airlines publish on their website some details about their in-flight menu. Usually for a flight of that length there will be a meal and a snack. Whatever about food, definitely buy a bottle of water after security, those little glasses they give you are only a mouthful or two.

If you are flying economy you do have a restricted area around you and you can't presume that there will be a free seat next to you so you might find yourself confined to a fairly small space, I usually try to get the aisle as it is easier for bathroom access. Check out www.seatguru.com for info on the inflight entertainment, seat size and facilities on the plane - you can find the plane you will be flying on from your booking. It also gives you a good idea of seats to avoid because of the noise etc. If it is possible to check in online (I suspect not as you are doing two flights) then it makes it easier to arrange for a good seat. For entertainment I usually bring iPod, book, puzzle magazine and sometimes PSP.

I don't think that Continental provide you with any sort of toiletry bag in economy, I haven't been the recipient of any such luxury and usually bring my own.

Facilities in [broken link removed] I don't really know about. You could try their website though. Just remember you want the facilities in the terminal you are flying out of!
You won't have problems bringing food from home unless you're bringing pots of jelly or anything that constitutes liquid, paste or gel.

Be warned, Continental operate narrow bodied aircraft from Dublin so it's one aisle with 3 seats one side and 3 seats the other so bear this in mind and select your seat asap if you're not happy with what you've been given.
no toilitries given in economy. Newark is a good airport but be warned if you are changing terminals leave a lot of time as you have to get your bags off and recheck them. We change plance here with continental and our conncetion to Orlando flys out of the same terminal and am pretty sure yours will as well as I have often seen Vegas over a gate while we wait for our connection. 3.5 hours is not a hugh amount of time considering you have to go back through secuirity again and the ques can be bad in Newark I douth you will have a lot of time for a shower and i don't think it would be worth the expense. It is very common to miss a two hour connection. We only bring carry on so we don't have to wait for our luggage which has taken over an hour on occasion.
hi everyone,

I know we will get some sort of meals on the flights

If you go to the Continental website you can sign up as a One Pass member and then request your preferred options regarding seating (aisle/window), food (regular meals, low fat, low sodium, kosher etc). To save time you can enter your passport details and final address at your destination. The website will give information on the type of meal served (lunch, dinner etc, depending on the time of day). On internal flights the food tends to be scarce, so you may like to bring your own. I usually find them pretty good overall and have booked to travel this coming weekend to Orlando via Newark (can't wait).

Try to get as much sleep as possible - avoid alcohol, coffee, tea if you can and drink plenty of water. It may be advisable to buy the special flight socks which they say helps prevent DVT - Scholls do them in natural and black. Change your watch to New York time once the flight has taken off.

As our luggage went astray temporarily a couple of times on transatlantic flights, I now take an emergency pack in hand luggage with a clean change of clothes and essential health/beauty items in sample sizes.

You'll love Vegas - well worth the trip. Hope you have the Grand Canyon on your itinerary, as it's really amazing.

thanks for all the replies. I have decided against the whole shower idea in Newark, Kellysayers you're right that it probably wouldn't be worth it. Also, 3.5 hours isn't really that long.

I am assuming that our luggage will be checked in to go direct from Dublin to Las Vegas, so I'm hoping that we won't have to do anything except get off one plane and head towards departure gate for. Am I right in assuming this?!

Miselemeas, I've looked on the continental site and yup, it says one of lunch/snack/dinner for the various flights. Unfortunately I still have not managed to change my seats (see previous post), so I'm just going to have to pray that I can change them 24 hours beforehand.
Hope you have a great flight to Orlando - please post here or pm me after your return and let me know how you got on!

I will have a change of clothes in my hand luggage, just in case.

thanks again for all help!
I am assuming that our luggage will be checked in to go direct from Dublin to Las Vegas, so I'm hoping that we won't have to do anything except get off one plane and head towards departure gate for. Am I right in assuming this?!
Nope. You have to collect your luggage and clear security on first arrival in the USA before putting it back in for the onward flight.
Your bags will not go direct. You have to go through US customs at point of entry ie take off your bags in Newark and walk through customs then recheck them. They are currently trying to get immigration and customs in the irish airports so you would clear them before boarding in Ireland but at the moment you only clear immigration at this side. Still that in itself is great - wait till you see the que for immigration in Newark and you just sail on past it!!
Make sure you go to the Grand Canyon we stayed there for two nights and vegas for four. Try to stay in the actual park it is much better they do great day bus trips in the park and the price isn't too bad. we flew out to the canyon from vegas make sure you fly to grand canyon and not flagstaff which is a long drive away. the helicoptor tour of the canyon is amazing. Four days is more than enough in vegas and the canyon is a great change. The hover Dam is a great day trip which your hotel will arrange for you.
oh cr*p! I just (wrongly) assumed we'd wave our bags off in Dublin and that would be the end of them.

Right, well that certainly rules out any extras like showers etc.

Thanks for the heads up.

By the by, what are the Immigration queues like in Dublin airport these days?
I never fly without ear plugs and an eye mask - the only way to get a decent kip

Good luck
Que in Dublin can be well over an hour but that is better than the average three que hour wait in Newark.
Clubman you are right you do have to go back through secuirity as well. it is as though you just arrived at the airport from outside once you clear customs. The Que here can be really long as well.
Do continental airline still stop off in Shannon or has this been done away with??
It depends on the flight - some flights are non-stop and some are on the ground at Shannon for 1 hr 30 mins
I always take the following

Eye mask
Ear plugs
Fluffy socks
A mini pillow..you can get one thats meant for a childs cot in Mothercare and the like. Makes it a bit easier to get comfertable.

Although an aisle will give you easier access to the toilet, a window seat will give you something to lean against for sleeping.

You could try the bulkhead seats but they can often mean children beside you.