What to get a nun?

Henny Penny

Registered User
My aunt is celebrating her jubilee this month ... 50 years of being a nun. She is having a family get together to celebrate and I am looking for suggestions for a suitable gift. She lives in the USA so any object should be easy to pack. Can't really give money ... vow of poverty etc. Thanks in advance.
Would it be too late or too short notice to compile a family history / genealogy and present it in bound form.
Henny Penny said:
My aunt is celebrating her jubilee this month ... 50 years of being a nun. She is having a family get together to celebrate and I am looking for suggestions for a suitable gift. She lives in the USA so any object should be easy to pack. Can't really give money ... vow of poverty etc. Thanks in advance.

There is plenty of charities that allow you make a donation in someone name, give a goat to a family in Africa....

Don’t sound like much of a present to rest of us , but might be the sort of thing a nun is into....
Thanks a million for the suggestions ... except your cuchulainn ... which was truly terrible!! :)
my aunt is a nun and has taken a vow of poverty etc. everything she gets goes into a pool for distrubtion to less fortunate, unless you get them essentials like toiletries etc.

So, yes, those sponsor 500 hens for €1 type presents sound good. Perhaps if you can find a charity that she might be interested in herself?
HP - if she were my aunt I think I would try to give her something that she could enjoy. After fifty years of doing good for others, surely she deserves that? Maybe she would like to visit her family in Ireland or visit somewhere in Europe?

Some years ago I was delegated to collect a nun (sister actually since nuns take strict vows!) from the Berkeley Court. She was on a five star European tour. She told me that her family had left her money which could only be used for travel by herself. She was a Dominican Sister - who I think are a somewhat more progressive religious order. Most of all I think I'd make sure the order didn't get their hands on her present! Failing that, the Father Ted series sounds perfect.
Depending on the order money could actually be a very good present. I've got a couple of relatives who are nuns and they're always quite happy to accept money! Perhaps a personal gift as well given that it's her jubilee.
It might be worth checking with someone from the order what is allowed or acceptable?

Does the order have a convent in Ireland you could call ?