What to do with the empty Chilean mine?

Pope John 11

Registered User
Now that the Chilean mine now lies empty, is there any future for it or who is the first person you would put into the mine?

Unfortunately we have to eliminate Brian Cowen for obvious reasons, perhaps he could be the last to plug the hole!
Nice one! I'd like to nominate Celine Dion, Pink and Cristina Aggy-whats-her-name to be inserted to continue the quest for copper ore. At that depth their screechy little voices would never bug me again. Cheaper, too, than the one-way space shuttle mission I had planned for them when I become president of the world.
At least the Chilean miners found a way out of their apparently bottomless pit, while we're stuck with Anglo Irish Bank, NAMA, Biffo , Harney & Co with their pitiless bottoms
Can I nominate many inanimate objects known as e-voting machines. And if you do insist on a person I nominate Martin Cullen to accompany them.
Unfortunately we have to eliminate Brian Cowen for obvious reasons, perhaps he could be the last to plug the hole!
How much would a larger drill bit be?
Well worth the money I'd say.

Notice the way that the Chilean president used the rescue to increase his own popularity. The Brians should take note of this. How about our own Irish rescue to boost morale and satisfaction ratings?
We could dig a hole under St Stephen's green and put someone in there for Cowen to rescue. Maybe spread butter or other muck around the sides to increase the challenge.
How much would a larger drill bit be?
Well worth the money I'd say.

Well apparently the government made a decision back in 2006 to rent out the drilling machine at the cost of the taxpayer, from Nishimatsu, Mowlem, and Irishenco consortium (NMI) following the completion of the Port Tunnel.

The drilling machine was to be put in use again for the Dublin Metro, however with those plans now shelved, the drilling machine has since been stored in some tent in Galway again at the cost of the taxpayer.

However recently there has been conflicting reports with regard to its whereabouts:

Upon hearing an ex. Lord of the Banks had hired it out, we visited his home in Wicklow, where he had nothing much to say, only to say he was planning a journey to middle earth.

Other reported sightings of the drilling machine, led us to some cowboy's ranch in Biffo territory, where some local had confirmed that this cowboy had some regrets that his comerades had flogged off the Corrib Gas field & it was his intention to find some oil or gas in Biffo County & give it back to the Irish taxpayer.

Chile Bird, RTE News, San Jose gold & copper mine, some 2,300ft below ground, unshaven of course, Chile