soon I'll receive some sum of money, nothing big, and I want to invest or put somewhere that will be save and can get something in return.
Acctualy I don't know what to do with it but definately don't want to sepnd it all adn this will happen if I'll have some easy acces to it. what optios are there?Bonds?
Not really into financial world and knowledge so will appreciate some advise on options that I might have.
soon I'll receive some sum of money, nothing big, and I want to invest or put somewhere that will be save and can get something in return.
Acctualy I don't know what to do with it but definately don't want to sepnd it all adn this will happen if I'll have some easy acces to it. what optios are there?Bonds?
Not really into financial world and knowledge so will appreciate some advise on options that I might have.