What to do with rubber-neckers?


Registered User
I am always mystified by being stuck in a long slow moving queue of traffic on a motorway, only to reach to the top of that queue and behold...an open road ahead and the traffic flows along nicely - what could have caused the huge delay? The common denominator of these situtations seems to be either a crash on the other side of the road(in many cases nothing dramatic, just a rear ending), a flashing blue light or someone changing a tyre or somesuch.

The road is not impeded by the occurence, but drivers are still slowing down and having a good auld gawk at what's going on. Meanwhile those of us who don't feel the need, have to wait in a long slow moving line. It happened yesterday just outside Naas. A lovely big slow 15 minute queue from the Esso at Kill to just past the Naas Exit (i.e. just past the occurence) and then free flowing after that.

is there anything that can be done to stop the gawkers, it is especially irritating if it's merely someone changing as tyre!
Very funny thread title.

They are a nuisence though, and they are just as bad if not worse on foot, examples being congregating around a food demonstration stand in the Supermarket(like there had been a famine), when someone falls ill on the street/or an accident(most unhelpful), or even a fight or assault in the street when they immediately become rooted to the spot to eat the business, though never to help.

What would the offence be on penalty points : dangerous driving, I suppose, though would love to see an offence "rubber necker"
Test out the elasticity of their necks with a drop slightly longer than the rope. If you feel that's extreme, I'm prepared to settle for having them flogged in public.
I think it is basic human nature to,at least, glance at an accident as you pass by to see if you can help or if it is someone you might even know (I suppose this applies more in rural areas). If I pass an accident I always bless myself (even though I'm not religious) and take a moment to appreciate that it is not me at the side of the road - this takes a second and if that has me laballed as a "rubbernecker" then so be it.
The problem is that when you have past the accident everybody behind you is doing the same thing. Hence the traffic backs up.
there is noting that can be done about it....its human nature! there would be something wrong with you if you didnt slow down to look when you see an accident ect.. get over it!!
there is noting that can be done about it....its human nature! there would be something wrong with you if you didnt slow down to look when you see an accident ect.. get over it!!

You obviously don't mind sitting needlessly in traffic then.
True. But it is very annoying all the same. Thank God i don't drive to work. How can people drive for a living i would go nuts.
I think these people should be boiled in their own blood and then forced to eat themselves.
Jes if we all done that no one within a 10 mile radius of the M50 would be safe.:mad:

Couold you imagine all them angry drivers going nuts in Ikea (which i noticed is coming along nicely)
This is not caused by rubber-necking. It is caused by excess traffic volume on the road, and can happen anywhere, even on a motorway with no distractions.

Saw a documentary on traffic once (how boring am I!) and it showed how tailbacks occur. Basically, all it takes in heavy traffic is for one person to brake slightly for any reason. The next driver sees the brake lights and also brakes, and so on, causing a little bundble of cars driving at a slower speed. The first driver takes their foot off their brake, and accelerates, but at that point drivers from the rear are joining the tailback faster than people are accelerating out of it - imagine a line of traffic at a traffic light junction when the light goes green and you'll know what I mean. Ultimately the braking causes a tailback ..

The only solution is to build a road designed for the volume of traffic it serves ...
I do remember Jeremy Clarkson mentioning this before. It's all down to people tailgating. If you are going to drive 5 foot behind the car in front thats whats going to happen.