What to do with retirement lump sum.


Registered User
My retirement is coming up in March of next year.

I'm lucky to qualify for both the contributory and state pensions, amounting to €24,500 per year in total. I'll also get a lump sum of €57,000. Apart from an emergency fund of under €10,000, that's all the money I have in the world. I'm single and have inherited the family home.

I'll probably spend about €20,000 on home improvements and personal projects. My question is: what do I do with the remaining €30,000? Although I'll never be rich at this stage, it would be nice to make it grow a little bit, just to provide some extra income, although the returns will probably be quite small. I know nothing of investments and probably don't want to take any big risks, although I'd be happy to invest some of the money.

My big fear is that, should an emergency occur, I'll end up with very little in savings.

Has anyone got suggestions?
My big fear is that, should an emergency occur, I'll end up with very little in savings.

Has anyone got suggestions?

I assume that the most common risks would be to your health or your property, so you should focus on ensuring that your insurance cover for both these risks is as comprehensive as possible.