What to do with old Kitchen Cabinets?


Registered User

We are planning to re-design our kitchen. Our current kitchen cabinets are still in very good condition but I don't like the make and design of it, I think pine woods.

What should I do with them? It's a waste just to throw them.
Is there such thing as trade in kitchen cabinets? Or is there a charity that would accept them? I'm just thinking I'm sure there would be people who would need their kitchen cabinets replaced but couldn't afford to.

Society of St. Vincent De Paul used to collect good-condition unwanted furniture for redistribution to people who couldn't afford the stuff. Their nearest Depot is probably listed in the phone book.
I know someone who advertised hers in the buy and sell and got a good price for it, you could give that a go?
A friend of mine recently tried to give an old kitchen table and chairs (which he'd had from new) to SVP and was told they weren't interested in furniture, too bulky etc. I'd doubt they'd be interested in kitchen units, they'd have to be transported, refitted etc. sounds like a lot of work. Would you try putting a notice in the local supermarket etc. along the lines of "... would suit for storage/ worksurfaces in garage or workshop" maybe? I recently replaced my (very grotty) kitchen and ended up cutting it up for firewood mostly, I did hold onto a couple of units for my workshop. It's ashame to dump units which are basically sound. How about the local youth club/ boy scouts etc?
I had the same problem when we redesigned the kitchen - what to do with the old (almost perfect!) cabinets. Advertised them in our local (Lucan) newsletter and lo and behold they are now fitted in somebody's holiday home down the west. And they paid me for them too!! So advertise them and ask for a realistic price. You should have no difficulties in ridding yourself of them. Then of course there is the alternative of fitting them into your garden shed/garage for very valuable and tidy storage.
What do you think is realistic price? Can you give me price ranges?

Well it's waste material to you now so how much would it cost to have it removed and disposed of? I think €500 for a small kitchen (3 bed/4 house) would be a reasonable price, presuming the purchaser will take the lot and organise transport and labour.
This is a "how long is a piece of string question"! I really don't know what a realistic price is now. One way of looking at it is how much would it cost you to get rid of them - a skip costs 250 - 300 these days. Plus the hassle. I know you don't want somebody to walk away with them for a steal but what are you going to do otherwise? I don't know where you live but that will also be a factor in selling - you need people who need kitchens! Why not try the local supermarket noticeboard with a pic and a price (or best offer). Based on the reaction to that you will have an idea if you are too costly or worse (!) too cheap. We found that we sold the cabinets on the provision that they would not be taken (for say two weeks). In other words they were still being used and when the lady came to view she saw a working kitchen. My two cents fo what its worth!
Oxfam Home in Francis Street do furniture etc. - worth giving them a ring to see if they'd also take kitchen cabinets.

SVP used to have a furniture warehouse off Gardiner Street called Fred's Furniture (when their ordinary shops were called Fred's Fashions) but this moved a couple of years ago and I don't know where to. They used to offer a free collection service too.

I think Cheeverstown also have some shops who take furniture but again they may not want something as big as a full kitchen.

It's worth not just ringing your local shop but getting on to the headquarters - I turned up at Oxfam with an old computer last week after being informed in one of the shops they would take it in Francis Street. Turns out they stopped doing computer equipment a couple of years ago so ended up just bringing it to a recycle dump.
I also know somebody who sold theirs and got €750 for it - it was 9 years old and in very good condition. This included dismantling and collecting by the buyer. The kitchen was advertised in Buy & Sell.
