What to do with excessive cut grass


Registered User
Hello there,
We live in the country (only recently) and have a lot of cut grass to dispose of weekly, about an acre of garden, if anyone has any a practical idea for dealing with this we would love to hear it.
We have a deflector thingy for the mower which throws the grass on the lawn but the kids end up making the house look like a lawn...we have 2 kids under 3, so grass cutting we could do without. I want to get a goat but the wife won't let me!
Oh yea, the local farmers are not friendly so they won't engage engage in conversation about cut grass let alone anything else!!
Any ideas welcome.
we have 3 or 4 compost bins on the go and all around them are piles of grass, collected leaves, decomposting apples etc etc. Every day I layer kitchen waste with the above and some compost from a finished bin to top it off. If you have the space (you do) and can screen off the composting corner, it's really worthwhile.
I know people who live in the country that feed their grass to the cows. They just dump the grass over the fence, and the cows come along and eat it. They seem to love it too.
try changing to a mulching mower - i know there are other threads on this matter that i have posted in much greater detail

I just went at our garden with the parents mulching mower, it hadnt been cut in 2 months so it was very long, it was early enough in the morning so it wasnt even fully dry, yet the mower made a great job of it, no waste at all.