- Within 10 minutes walk of the QBC on the N11, preferably on the 46A route (for my commute into town, and my husband works in Dun Laoghaire)
- South or west facing rear garden
- 3 living spaces (kitchen/dining, living room and family room)
- Side passage (for bikes, lawnmower)
- Downstairs toilet
- minimum 3 bedrooms
You can move some of these goals through the application of time or money, but some are pretty much inelastic.
10 minutes walk: will you take 15 mins? 20 mins? Cycle (foldable bike for the bus journey)?
South/west facing: you can't throw money at this one, so I think you can't compromise on it.
3 living spaces: If a close candidate house has 2 spaces, would you live with it until you can build an extension? Very expensive, so technically an area for compromise, but you need to consider the costs involved vs. the cost of ideal houses
Side passage: once again, you can't throw money at it, so if it's important, you can't compromise on this.
Downstairs toilet: You can use one of those saniflow setups to install a small toilet room in an existing downstairs area, so cost this up and see if it makes sense overall on the costs again.
3 bedrooms: You can't compromise on this one.