What to buy a 17yr old for their birthday


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I am really stuck for ideas what to buy my son for his birthday as he has just about everything. All help appreciated. I dont want to give him cash as it just dissolves in his hand.
If he's into music - does he play an instrument?

I got a guitar for my 15th birthday. Best present I ever got and I still have it.
Driving lessons was the main idea, but to insure him would cost over 2k and thats putting him on my policy. He doesnt play any instruments either but does sing
Driving lessons was the main idea, but to insure him would cost over 2k and thats putting him on my policy. He doesnt play any instruments either but does sing

Do you need to have your own insurance to do driving lessons? Are you not insured on the policy of the people running the lessons (if you drive one of their cars?). I know you need a valid provisional - but not sure if you need insurance.
Do you need to have your own insurance to do driving lessons? Are you not insured on the policy of the people running the lessons (if you drive one of their cars?). I know you need a valid provisional - but not sure if you need insurance.

No dont think u need it for the lessons but sure he would need it after if wants to practice and then drive it.
No dont think u need it for the lessons but sure he would need it after if wants to practice and then drive it.

You could tell him that the lessons are for him to learn how to drive but if he wants to drive the family car he will have to stump up for the insurance (talk about a double edged pressie!!!) - ok, I get your point!!

What about something unusual (as an example, the brother in law is mad for the Rocky movies so we once got him a Rocky pic signed by Sly Stallone - he was delighted).
... He doesnt play any instruments either

Perfect - he can start then!

... but does sing

...and therefore sounds likely to me that he would be interested in the guitar maybe. For beginners, it is relatively easy - could be playing along to simple songs in a matter of weeks. I'd certainly consider it anyway.

PM me if you want to discuss in more detail as I will be happy to advise.