What sound mind person would Buy Celine Dion Tickets ?


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Who in their right mind is encouraging Celine in buying tickets how is it a sell out

To listen to her warble the Titanic song makes me what her to hit an iceberg and sink

The GAA went a bit far letting Garth Brooks strut on the hollow turf but I did not think they could stoop lower but they have succeeded

Please do not encourage this type of behaviour

Right thats off my chest
Look, some people like the sound of someone swinging a cat around by the tail.
each to their own!!
Who in their right mind is encouraging Celine in buying tickets how is it a sell out
To listen to her warble the Titanic song makes me what her to hit an iceberg and sink
Please do not encourage this type of behaviour

Right thats off my chest

With all that money coming in you'd wonder why the long face.....
Who in their right mind is encouraging Celine in buying tickets how is it a sell out

Would the fact that she has sold 200 million albums worldwide over the years give you just the very slighest of hints as to why people might be interested?
she needs all the money she can get - someone has to pay for all that airbrushing she gets on her posters and album cover!