What should I claim - Illness benefit or JA?



I made a very tough decision to resign from my job in Jan due to the high level of stress that I was under. Up to then I had been working continuously for the past 10 years.
I have been claiming illness benefit since then. I am now being told by my family that I should claim jobseekers allowance as I would be entitled to more benefits. I am actively looking for another job. I have my own house, no partner, no kids.
If I was to claim jobseekers allowance would I be disqualified for 9 weeks as I resigned?? As I have no other source of income I would find it very difficult to survive for those 9 weeks - would I be eligible for anything during that time or am I better off staying on the illness benefit.
If you are now fit for work again and actively seeking it, then JB/JA is more appropriate. You won't be disqualifed for 9 weeks as you resigned. You could at thius stage check out FAS for training opportunities.