What recourse do I have when builder clears off?


Registered User
This is an ongoing saga and gets worse by the day but to cut a long story short I had a snag list done on the work done to date and it was bad news, builder asked for more money just before xmas and I refused. He finished 19th Dec and has not come back. Wont answer phone. I have retained a certain amount of money but the bad work he has done is quite frnakly appalling. I sent him a copy of the engineers snag list and asked he reply by 12th Jan and if he did not I would make arrangements to have work completed by others. However, he can take the easy way out and just leave me in the lurch.

Is there any action I can take against him to recover money paid for work that is shoddy and is there any builidng body that I can complain to about him? The shoddy work includes, wrong thickness of insulation, 60mm as opposed to 75mm in cavity of new build, a block on flat block wall on top of a cavity wall, very poor plastering on the outside, flashing put on in a disgracefull way over a bay section, rain is getting in, holes in plaster in many areas, blocks visible through plaster, floors not level, the list is endless. It is going to take ages to put things right and may even be impossible so I would like to get some recompense back.

Am I just another victim in this rich country of ours??

Re: What recourse do I have when builder clears off??

Sounds like big money so small claims court would be out. I would definately go to a solicitor. Why not put the name and location of the company on here so as to warn others. Good luck with it. I had similar problems with builder when I bought my house. Very poor finish.
Is the house covered by Homebond? If so they might be able to help with serious structural (as opposed to less significant finishing) issues that the builder won't put right. Have you asked your solicitor for advice?

I would not recommend posting details of the builder as it could negatively impact any possible claim that you might have against them and chances are such posts will be deleted since it's Brendan and not you or I who would have to deal with any complaints that might arise from such negative comments against third parties.
You do have a potential case against the builder- if an engineer is willing to give evidence that the work is faulty and you have to spend more than you have retained on the rectification, then you can proceed against the builder for the balance.
I can't remember the detail but some woman won a case against a builder and engineer recently, I remember seeing it on the RTE news.....someone else might be able to remember and post a link for it.
i know this is terrible, but expect to see alot more of it, there is soo mcuh money to be made in the construction sector, an amount that doesn't justify the work effort or skill required.

with all this cost, cowboys are going to flock to this as is anyone wanting to make big money quick....

always and always get a repetuable builder and never never let him draw down the money he asks for..

if he asks for 10k give him 4k...work on the 40% of what he asks for unless your site is run by your own qs or decent architect who knows what they are doing and will sign the claim of works...