what pensions?



According to the "Independent"of today-
[broken link removed]
there is no way out of the collapse of our society/culture/financial system.Except humans stop the emissions of climate damaging substances-CO2.So is it really worth it to invest money in pensions when this investment a.)contributes to the climate change even further and b.)won't be worth the ink on it in 20 or 30 years time ?
How would the money of insurance companies/investors money be treated in case of a severe international emergency?Looking back in history(Black Friday,WW2) it would be worth nothing....
Heinbloed, a good quote I heard springs to mind - "Like I always say, money's something you need in case you DON'T die tomorrow!.

Even taking your extreme example of WW2 and its effect on investments etc, even the most severely destroyed economies, ie Germany and Japan, had recovered and indeed had achieved unsurpassed levels of wealth by historical standards only 15 years later.

Somehow I think mankind will find a solution to the global warming issue, just like we've found solutions to every other allegedly catastrophic event about to wipe out our savings, future etc.

Plus, I wouldn't believe every scare story I read in the London Independent - with the exception of the Guardian its the most depressing, anti-business 'quality' paper out there.
Re: Pensons and "Meeting the Climate Change Challenge&q

Buy shares in gas mask, breathing apparatus and heat/UV resistant suit manufacturers so. You heard it here first!
Meeting the climate change...

Hm.I am afraid that there won't be any recovery of the climate.It should be considered that money as such will stop to exist.If any economical structures will be left than it could be in the form of of a stalinistic voucher economy.Previous economic collapses did recover because they used the old and tried methods of economic development.But when the use of fossile energy-the motor of our economy-is considered to be a criminal act and prosecuted by those who dare than any economy based on demand and price would collapse.And with it the value of things/shares/banknotes/contracts/gold etc.
Thanks for the replies anyhow!
Re: Meeting the climate change...

Fair enough Heinbloed - you fire away and do the 'sensible' thing - buy a Porsche, party like an animal etc.

I think I'll take the 'risky' path of saving for my future...

You can post here (if we/the internet still exist) and tell me 'I told you so'!!