Re the decorating, i'd suggest if you feel that teh house needs something done you do it yourself. We sold up a couple of years back, decided (after a lot of obsessive viewing of aforementioned selling houses, house doctor) who was most likely to buy our place, and set about making it their ideal home. It took us a few weeks as it was weekends and evening, painting / decluttering (we used a storage company, if moneys short try and borrow a garage), generally freshening the place up.
In the end I then called in 3 x EA to value it and ask for recommended prices... ended up going with the one who had sold the apt opposite a few weeks before, and ours sold in 2 days.
Before anyone says anything, yes this was in the 'good old days' of rising prices, but the basics of clearing, tidying, cleaning.... looking around with fresh eyes to see what might not be working, is worth it (we also cleaned up the communal areas and kept them spic and span for the duration of the sale).
You've said that renting a room might be a possibility in the near future - is there any way you can pull that in to now? Get the money in now.
Regarding the renting of the full property, maybe it will be worth it - i know you say it won't cover the mortgage, but if for example you are currently paying 1500 per month on the mortgage, and can rent it for 1200... then you rent a room in someones home for 300-400 (I realise that you may prefer your own place, but as a short term solution maybe its a possibility). Bottom line you need to pay that shortfall of 300 plus your room rental of 400, even with day to day expenses, you may be in a healthier position, by approx 800 (out of that you will have some specific rental expenses, tax, etc).
Annie, it will all work out...