Re: What Options if house does'nt sell
I agree with the 'staging' of the house, make it a place someone wants to move into. Check out 'selling houses' and 'house doctor' showing on various satellite channels almost daily...
Do check out the local papers, who has properties most like yours, ie if you have apt and agent X has a lot of apts on his books, he may be the best one. Check around locally for 'Sold' signs, as an agent who has recently sold a similar property to yours may have some people who didn't get that last place.
But if it is still not selling, and the mortgage is a concern, would you have an option of the rent a room to bring in some ready cash?
If you have family / friends locally, could you move out and rent it for the duration? I relaise that selling and renting can be 2 completely differnt set ups, but money is money! But this of course will bring you into different territory, ie tax on rental, possibility of claw back if you were stamp duty exempt....
Good luck