What officials have called to your site?


Registered User
I am wondering who to expect next.

We started the build in March. So far we and three other local builds have had a Revenue Official.
What tax district are you in?

Legitimate and tax compliant building contractors (and their clients) should be delighted that Revenue in that area are active in combatting the black economy in a visible way.
I have no problem them calling and taking names of builder etc. I am wondering who else calls to site is all.

I am in Co. Waterford.
My sister is having work done on her house at the moment (Dublin 14 area). Scaffolding up all around the house. Officials from the Health and Safety Authority have called twice in the past 3 weeks to check the scaffolding passes and also to ensure that the men on the scaffolds are wearing helmets..
The Health and Safety Authority will be calling to more and more 'private' projects after June - see my thread on this below.

It is also possible that you may get a call from the Local Authoritys Building Control Officer who will inspect for compliance of the building with building regulations. The chances of this are small, however, given their known inspection rates.

I am wondering who to expect next.

We started the build in March. So far we and three other local builds have had a Revenue Official.

Any of the following are a possible, regardless of what your doing:

- Revenue: Taxes
- Revenue: Customs & Excise
- Social Welfare
- Health & Safety
- Planning authorities
- Garda

Unlikely would be:
- Agriculture officers
- Fishery protection
- Animal Welfare/RSPCA

And we won't even mention G2
I think a better question might be what can these organisations ask and what rights does one have. Is there a document outlining that I wonder.