What ofer to make


Registered User

Looking for bit of advice here.
We have our eye on a particular house in Dublin at the moment (on the market about 4/5 months). It's second hand on the market at 475K. They are looking for a quick sale as they have bought and looking to move asap - what offer should I go in with - would 15% off the price be very cheeky?! We have full mortgage approval and nothing to sell so basically ready to go.

Any advice appreciate

Who cares if its cheeky? Its your money I think a lot of people are too concerned about offering too littele and thereby appear cheeky. In a way you are being too nice it is a financial transaction at the end of the day.

Would you pay (and this goes to anyone in a similar situation) €20,000 for a car from a dealer if you thought you could get it for say €17,000, just as an example? More people have to start thinking like this or we'll keep paying ridiculous amounts for housing which is a basic need (maybe not a a necessary purchase, i.e. people could rent).

Housing is (I think OECD said by 15% or it could have been more, correct me if I am wrong someone) way over valued in this country. Would you pay way over the value for other products in a shop?
even at 15% off you'll be paying over 400k (plus stamp duty on whatever price you agree, so the lower the better!). they might be glad to get it if they need to sell quick.
Go for it. A low offer can't hurt. You're their ideal buyer in that you're ready to go. We recently bought a house in Dublin South West and got it for €60,000 under the original price. Going in a bit low gives you good scope to raise your offer slightly so that you look like you're being reasonable without doing yourself out of a bargain!
A friend just sold his house in dublin for 450 and the original asking price was 530 7 months ago. he's happy to get it sold , go for it.