What makes you squeamish?

Watching surgery (why on earth would anyone want to watch that?).

That’s about it really. Bugs, rodents, spiders etc I have no problem with.
I went to Russia as a kid on a school tour and the hotel in Moscow was infested with really big cockroaches (there were dozens in the bathroom, bedroom and even in the bed). I slept like a log but most of the rest of the group didn’t sleep for three days.

I don’t like cats but I don’t find them disturbing, just pointless as a pet.

Joan Burton, yea, she's disturbing.
Slugs, moths, spiders, bugs, creepy crawlies of any kind. Fleece, cotton, suede, velvet or any soft material like that (buying clothes is a nightmare!). Rats, mice, dogs licking me or any animal like that in fact. Hamsters, gerbils or any small rodents. I think I may have issues!

Purple, I actually love watching surgery. I guess it's because I always wanted to be a surgeon growing up, for some strange reason.

Oh my God! I agree with everything you posted, Purple!!!

Time to clock in for that therapy session, I think!
Water on a hard floor and running kids - you know the drill, you spot it just in time to tell them stop but whack they go.

I dont know if its a squeamish reaction or what but those events or even near misses involving my kids (just the usual falling and banging into things .... dont call social services just yet) gives me this weird squeamish feeling in the pit of my stomach that nothing else seems to recreate.

Anyone else know what I'm on about??
velvet or any soft material like that

I absolutely hate cutting my fingernails. I cut one every two days and then smother it in hand cream. The thought of a newly cut nail, rubbing of a suede or velvet material makes my skin crawl.
I absolutely hate cutting my fingernails. I cut one every two days and then smother it in hand cream. The thought of a newly cut nail, rubbing of a suede or velvet material makes my skin crawl.

Ditto. I hate suede or velvet just to touch but if I caught a newly cut nail in it I would lose my mind.

Yes I do, Betsy - no small ones of my own, but I can't stand looking at those "home videos" sent into TV programs which feature a child falling or hurting themselves (you know the type). They make me shiver, then make me angry at their parents for sending the clip in in the first place!
Well, we're a bunch of oddballs alright! But I think Paddyw leads the pack on the range and volume of things that make him squeamish

I was at the dentist yesterday and she touched off a nerve, twice. I'm not generally squeamish about the dentist, but I hate the thought of something going wrong, or the novacaine not working. She also used something like a piece of sandpaper to clean between teeth, the feeling was terrible. Like the sensation of chalk scratched across a blackboard... the hairs standing on the back of my neck (shudder). I wonder why these sensations happen ?
My head immersed in water. I run when I see one of those "rain shower" hotel showers being advertised as being in my hotel room.
I'm not sure about squeemish but definately uncomfortable - the sign of peace at a mass. I was at a funeral this morning and as I'm not a regular church goer, I tend to forget this but every time it makes the hairs stand on the back of my neck and not in a good way. I don't relate it to any religious objection but just generally being forced into the gesture with strangers makes me feel icky.
Grew up on a farm.
Maggots are vile things. Poor sheep are almost getting eaten alive
We didn't have a sheep dip but would spray the sheep, like a power washer. Worked just as well

Someone I messed it up and missed one. Had to handwash the maggots from a sheep. The smell of the dip solution would knock you over and then you wash out the maggots and see them crawling and dieing on the ground.

Dehorning cattle. Nasty job! Hate it
Dehorning cattle. Nasty job! Hate it

Have you ever seen the damage done by that paste used to stop the buds on calves in the first place. Horrific stuff. It was worse when the calf would rub it on the underside of the cow and cause burns.