What "Jim'll Fix It" Moment Would You Pay For, If You Could Just About Afford It?

Lex Foutish

Registered User
Just wondering what you'd choose, if you'd also have to pay for it. I'm not talking about something expensive you'd request, if you had a lot of money to cover it, etc. Just something that you'd just about have enough money for and that you'd say, "Yeah, it's once in a lifetime thing. I'm doing it!"

Personally, I'd pay for my son (late teens) to play tennis with Roger Federer. He worships him. I've rarely seen anyone so inspired by a sporting personality. He was up early this morning watching the Australian Open Final and had me watching it as well. Federer is a very gracious speaker also, both in victory and defeat. He is such a wonderful role model. Surely one of the greatest ones ever.
I would get myself over to Singapore and Thailand, spend a few grand on financial seminars and meet Jim Rogers and Marc Faber.

Two legends of the investment world. I would love to have a few beers discussing macro economics, the rise of the East and Roger's global travel trips with them.
I would like my leaving certer to do medicine,its her one dream since childhood.
Since the introduction of the HPAT and the very high points required it is extremly difficult.She works so hard..
As a Doctor she would be amazing,so Id send her to Hungary to study if she didnt get to do medicine here.. Id say that would be my one jim will fix it.
Go on a space mission.

Always wanted to see the Earth from space.
Dear Jim

Please can you fix it for me sell my house...

Barking up the wrong tree there. I'm told burying a statue of St.Joseph in your driveway, facing the gate is the best way to achieve a sale.
Wasn't the whole point of Jim'll Fit It that it was to wish for something that money can't buy? Or does everything (and everyone) have a price these days?
Mmmm, but judging from your recent posts you didn't actually put it up for sale. Is it help you're looking for or a miracle?

That's it, I don't want to go through the process at all. I just want to wake up and it's all done and dusted. Jim'll fix it!!

No amount of free wishes would get me on his knee!

Especially if he says "Hows about that then"

Here's hoping she achieves her dream
Wasn't the whole point of Jim'll Fit It that it was to wish for something that money can't buy? Or does everything (and everyone) have a price these days?

Maybe an All ireland for the Leesiders in the football

Sorry Lex couldn't refuse
Wasn't the whole point of Jim'll Fit It that it was to wish for something that money can't buy? Or does everything (and everyone) have a price these days?

Yes, yes and yes.

Sure 'twould be no fun if everyone was able to do it!