what is your definition of a troll?


Registered User
Mine is a poster who only posts on a particular subject.
Who only posts to defend a position.
Who has a vested interest in the subject being discussed.
And who doesn't declare that interest.
I have seen some posters who post about a particular service /shop etc so they are the obvious ones, but I think it's fair to say that there are many others who fall into the above category,who are less obvious.
Is there a problem with that?
I'f so, why?
That wouldnt be my definition of a troll at all.

I would think a troll is someone who deliberately posts in an inflammatory manner, whether or not they believe what they are posting and usually from an unjustifiable position, just to anger or inflame other posters and draw a discussion off thread into emotional outburst.

They would usually be inclined to express themselves in a manner that shows them to be complete knuckle draggers compared to the relative intelligence of the rest of the people posting on the same thread who are capable of measured, intelligent and reasonable responses. Context is generally important too. So for example, someone who posts that it was a womens own fault she was raped because she was wearing a mini skirt in a thread where rape victims are sharing their stories.
Replying to them only gives them more airtime and something new to answer and continue expressing an inflammatory position, hence the expression 'Dont feed the troll'.

I dont think its trolling to only post on particular subjects (surely many people only post on what interests them?) or to defend a particular intellectual position?

The vested interest/advertising services posters I wouldnt considers trolls either, more just sneaky trying to advertise.
Do you not read my posts?

I certainly do.

I particularly enjoyed your post about going to Turner's Cross with your Dad.

My late father used to bring me to Kilcohan when I was a child - rather reluctantly as it interfered with his post match celebrations ( generally they were celebrations as the Blues rarely lost in those days.)

I remember going to the Cross to see the Blues playing Celtic with Best & Charlton due to play - they never turned up !

Great days indeed & I shall be forever grateful to my Dad for fostering a love In me for the beautiful game?

Great days Deiseblue, they were certainly great days!
Well done. Lex.

You are obviously much younger than I am - or have a better memory!
Well done. Lex.

You are obviously much younger than I am - or have a better memory!

All of the above, Bill, along with being humble, good looking, rich and sought after! Modesty prevents me from saying any more!
As I've said before on this site, "My father always said that the only good thing to come out of Cork was the road to Dublin."

Clearly, he'd never read any of Lex's posts.
lex said:
along with being humble, good looking, rich and sought after! Modesty prevents me from saying any more!

Obviously Lex forgot to mention his super-toned body as well. Not too modest about displaying it though!

