What is this alert



I have started to use firefox for the last few weeks .Everything seems fine until the last day or two ,when I open I get this alert www.ozfohlyxslrekpnwcixahxts.biz.I dont have homepage either and have to type it in every time .Anyone got an idea how I might solve this problem .Thanks in advance
What do you mean by alert? Is this a message box/dialog box that pops up? From within FireFox, Windows itself or something else (e.g. a virus/adware checker)? Is there any other text associated with the alert or just the website address?
Sorry yes its a dialogue box with title Alert.,the www..ozfoh,etc, etc .biz could not be found.Please check name and try again .is the complete message.
Just sounds like your homepage has been hijacked. Maybe some kind Firefoxer can advise you as to how this can be reset but chances are you might have something nasty running in the background.

Get thee to a .
Check what the default homepage in FireFox is via Tools -> Options... -> General -> Home Page\Location(s) to see if the offending URL apprears there. If it does change it but as mentioned above there could be some sort of parasite running on your PC that will reinstate this setting so check the "clean PC" links mentioned above.
Have stopped useing Firefox .,looks like some kind of hijack of home page because each time I reset it to the original settings its hijacked again .Any one got any ideas on how to solve problem .Have done the usual virus scans etc. even done search to try find file but nothing shows up with this in it,was impressed with Firefox but now am having second thoughts.
In the absence of specific evidence there is no reason to say that this is a FireFox specific problem. Anyway, if you are comfortable with using the Registry Editor you could check under the Run, RunOnce, RunOnceEx keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion to see if there is anything there that is being run on startup/login that might be changing the default home page setting.
Absolutely ClubMan. You may well switch browser and the problem may well follow. Best bet is to install the likes of Spybot and Microsoft's AntiSpyware to keep watch over this type of thing.

WRT MS Antispy, here's a funny thing. I keep my taskbar docked to the left-hand side of my screen. Whenever a MS notification arises the dialog boxes fly up and down the right hand side of the screen without anywhere to dock. Very funny to watch :)