A few years ago when the IT boom was on I was slagged wholesale by my circle of freinds for the salary I was earning as a public servant, now a few years later, a few kids later and the IT boom is not what it used to be our salaries are good, annual leave is very generous, I get 31 days annaual leave excluding Christmas......I can work flexi time, take parental leave, work term time, ie have summer's off and many other family friendly schemes.
We get paid to do courses, I went for UCD for a year on full pay, with all fees paid.
In return I work damn hard at what I do but when home time comes that is me finished until tomorrow. I NEVER bring my work home with me.
Like all working environments there are downsides, for instance the building I work in is falling down around our ears and would not pass any health and safety inspection in a million years.
But for me anyway the pros out weigh the cons big time.
There was an initial period when I was earning a pittance but those days for me are thankfully in the past.
i am even glad of the pension scheme now which I thought I would never ever say.