What is the point of Flight Mode on mobile phones?

Its absurd to suggest that there are no psychological effects involved in being a survivor of an accident where someone else has died, even if the incident was outside the survivor's control. Not everyone would be dispassionate enough to immediately dismiss a road accident victim as "an idiot", even if the victim's own negligence contributed fully or largely to their own death.

If this isn't off-topic I don't know what is?!
Funnily enough, if I was driving down the street and a child ran out from behind a car and I killed that child I doubt I'd feel guilty at all. If I'd even had one pint however, I'd be devastated with guilt. Hence I don't drink and drive at all...not out of fear of being caught, or a belief that my driving suffers much from a few pints. Purely for fear of harming someone else.
Similarly, if I'm in an accident and someone is killed because they weren't wearing a seatbelt I doubt I'd feel in any way guilty at all. Why would I?

This should be in a new thread!