What is the point of Flight Mode on mobile phones?


Registered User
I thought the whole point was that you could use your mobile phone as a MP3 player/gaming device while on a plane - all communications software is switched off when on Flight Mode so the mobile phone becomes a handheld electronic device no different to an iPod or handheld gamer.

So imagine my surprise when I was told in no uncertain terms on a flight yesterday that i MUST switch off the phone. I pointed out it was on Flight Mode - was told NO - you MUST switch off the phone.

So what exactly is the point of going to the trouble of buying a mobile phone that supports Flight Mode if you cannot use it on a flight!!!!
I also have had this problem. I have my " Flight Mode Phone" for the past 2 years and travelled a bit with work and on holidays with no issue, Went to NY with continental a few weeks back and was informed that I also had to turn if off, well annoyed as it was just after take off and when I explained to the Stewart that the captain had announced that it was OK to turn on electronic equipment, he said that electronic equipment didn't include Mobile phones so I had to turn it off, I explained the concept of "Flight Mode" and ever showed him the message on the phone explaining "Flight Mode" and he just didn't want to know. So either the Airlines accept them or the manufactures should not advertise them as being acceptable to be used on Aircraft
I didnt even get as far as explaining the concept of Flight Mode - the Air Steward was quite rude, absolutely would not entertain any explanation I tried to make.

I did not press the issue there and then as an aircraft is not the place to have a dispute but I was Very annoyed at the time, I had deliberately brought the phone to be used as a gaming device to pass the time.
I know someone who recently left his phone on during a 4 hour flight. Surprise, surprise, we lived to tell the tale! I wouldn't have the guts to try it out myself.
When I lived in West Africa, it was common for passengers to start calling their friends when we were coming close to the destination - it gave me a shock the first time I saw it. Then again, I think the phone were more high-tech than the planes, there were no sophisticated navigation tools to interfere with.

Apparently quite common in Russia too....
Today it's illegal to use your phone on a Ryanair flight. Next year they will charge you through the nose for using it and hype it to high heaven. An acquaintance of mine is a pilot on a private jet and he allows all his customers to leave their phones on. They dont work anyway above about 500 feet. He says there are no safety issues and airlines only use the policy to avoid air rage from the "I'm on the train" yahoos.
I can understand airlines not wanting people to use mobile phones as phones inflight. If everyone on a flight was yabbering on a phone you would not hear announcements - you would get the 'Im on the train' types etc...

But the point Im making is - when in Flight Mode it is no longer a mobile phone - it is a handheld electronic device no different to an MP3 player or suchlike. All around were people listening to MP3 players, yet I was told to switch my device off.
Look at it from the cabin crew's point of view. It's not practical for them to check each passenger's phone to see if it's in flight mode or whatever.
OK, so the phone is in flight mode. How do the crew know that? Ask everyone using one if they're using it in flight mode? Every been on a plane when someone starts yapping on the phone during approach? I have. Some people think there's no risk in using a phone while in the air!

The crew need a quick way of checking if passengers are using prohibited equipment, without having to ask.

C'mon, if you want to listen to music, use some form of mp3 player -they're small and light and the crew can see that it does what it says on the tin.

Remember it's SAFETY first! Anythying that impedes or hinders that is out.

An acquaintance of mine is a pilot on a private jet and he allows all his customers to leave their phones on...... He says there are no safety issues

Fine....I know several car drivers who drive without seat belts and several who still think it's ok to drink and drive. They also think there are no safety issues. Different transport, same attitude.
Marathon Man - "I know several car drivers who drive without seat belts and several who still think it's ok to drink and drive. They also think there are no safety issues. Different transport, same attitude". - I don't think we are comparing Apples with Apples here. My attitude is I am very safety aware and I purchased the phone with a music player so I don't have to carry two different devices. My phone has Walkman printed on the front and should be treated the same as any other music player when the music player function is all that is turned on in the device
Funny, we are venturing off topic but I see nothing wrong with not wearing a seat belt if I'm alone in the car. It's my choice and impacts on nobody else...kind of like smoking at home. If you do have someone in the car you could bash in to them during an accident so that's different.

I agree insisting all phones be switched off is purely to avoid having to check each phone. My question is why not use the phone discretely and guilt free as it's not interfering with any apparatus? This would avoid any hassle
I fly with BMI on a regular basis. Usually no problem. Recently though a Stewardess has actually asked to check that the phone is in flight mode. Maybe they are getting more vigilant?
Marathon Man - "OK, so the phone is in flight mode. How do the crew know that?" - in this specific instance I showed the crew member that the phone was indeed in flight mode.

The reason that I did not have a separate device to listen to music or play games on is precisely as Gal1 says - I have these functions on my phone - I do not want to have a number of different devices.

However - I do agree that it is impractical to check each passengers phone.
But at cruising altitude no mobile phone would work as a phone because the network coverage would not be present. So its quite unlikely that anyone is using a phone as a phone at cruising altitude. Therefore - no safety issue.
Is the problem not that when left on the phone continues to search for a mobile phone mast to link up with and it's this that CAN disrupt the plane's navigational equipment?
Insisting all phones are switched off is the most efficient policy for the airlines...no good to you and fair play for being responsible with the flight mode feature.
Andy - perhaps this is the safety issue - I was under the impression it was only during take off and landing that this might be a problem - during take off and landing they do state that ALL electronic devices should be switched off.

I think it all comes back to my original thread title:
What is the point of Flight Mode on mobile phones - and the answer seems to be:
There is no point!!
When the Airlines tell people it is Ok to turn their electronic devices on could they also tell people who have "Flight Mode" that they can activaite their devices in flight mode?

No, it's definitely an issue throughout the flight caused by the mobile phone's attempts to communicate with a mast permanently. I think the issue is with the manufacturers who have added a feature which in theory is a good idea but is in practice pretty useless.
If it were me I'd use it surreptitiously and with a clear conscience thus avoiding any problem with air stewards
I wonder why people are allowed take mobile on flights AT ALL if there is a safety issue with the communications software - there are plenty of people who do not switch off their phones during a flight - whether by accident or design. Should the safety of an entire flight be dependant on the personal responsibility taken by each passenger?

One would imagine if there was a clear safety issue it would be banned outright.
Funny, we are venturing off topic but I see nothing wrong with not wearing a seat belt if I'm alone in the car. It's my choice and impacts on nobody else...kind of like smoking at home.

Wrong. If I accidentally crash into you, the risk of you being maimed or killed in the crash rises exponentially if you're not wearing the seatbelt. Why should I then be exposed to potentially serious conscience, legal and insurance implications if you end up being maimed or killed without a seatbelt, as opposed to possibly less seriously injured had you being wearing the seatbelt?

There are no such complications or implications...if I was wearing a seatbelt then perhaps you could have done more but if I was not then I'm just an idiot who should have known better.
Incidently I do wear a seatbelt but find the legislation questionable.