What is seen as taxable here, what is not?

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I am just trying to re-org my two privately owned cars to let my company pay for (in full or in part) the main one used for work.

I have been told that I cannot claim mileage as even though my company address is my home my travel is seen as 'to' my normal place of work (3-6 month contracts at client premises), and hence unclaimable.

I have looked into a company vehicle but unless I want to bend over for BIK it has to be a commercial, which as I don't trade goods per se is not really appropriate and will cost me more in diesel each month.

I was hoping to let my company get a fuel card for one of my vehicles and to let the company pay for maintenance of it as the mileage I am doing is depreciating my car a huge amount each year.

So my question is, is the above going to be treated as a benefit taxable by BIK?

I feel like the tax regime here in Ireland in regards to this have really let me down! There seems no tax efficient way to cover my business related motoring expenses and all because I decided to move my business from an overpriced city to the southern counties for a better quality of life, while working on contract in Dublin.

Any guidance would be appreciated.
Has anyone any thoughts on this, seems like an awful lot of views for a null response, especially seeing as their seems to be a few tax experts here?
Today, 08:43 AM


Today, 11:54 AM

With 180 posts you should be well aware of the posting guidelines and to know that bumping after a mere three hours is unacceptable.

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