What is more of a threat to Mankind- Global warming or a cure for Malaria?


Registered User
Just read in the paper today that scientists are very close to a cure for Malaria and that this will save the lives of millions of people in poorer regions of the world. It seems that the swelling world population is putting huge strain on resources already and that if we do eradicate disease like Malaria it could end up causing much more damage to the natural order of things than global warming? (or at least exacerbating that problem greatly)
It is a very tricky subject i know but it would be interesting to hear what others think.

If we had malaria in Ireland, would you think differently ?
Are you for real? How's about we stop trying to find a cure for cancer or AIDS. War and famine will always be around to lower numbers.
It is not at all a tricky subject. Malaria is a proven killer of millions. Global warming is an (as yet) unproven theory. In my opinion, anyone who is happy to condemn millions of people to an early death on the basis of some sort of neo-Malthusian supposition that the world is not big enough to accommodate these people should examine their own conscience in this regard.

Agree 100%.
Don't get me wrong It is not my belief that we should let people suffer and die, far from it, I am simply interested to see what people think of what is being pushed down our throat's as the biggest threat to Mankind - Global Warming. It is my belief that we are bigger problems out there. I read an article that suggested that medical companies were being instructed to keep anti-Malarial drugs highly priced because of 'problems' associated with high survival rates.
I read an article that suggested that medical companies were being instructed to keep anti-Malarial drugs highly priced because of 'problems' associated with high survival rates.
By whom? The Zionist secret world government ?

The solution to world over population is to solve world poverty. This requires fair trade and stable governments with corruption free robust civil institutions that enable democracy to function. Once this happens infant mortality rates drop and large families become in impediment to wealth generation.

Precisely. Add to that the fact that it is us in the West who are living 'unsustainably', taking far more than our fair share of the earth's resources, and not peasants in the developing world eking a living on a few dollars a day, and the answer to the OP's question is obvious.
I don't think either global warming or cures for diseases such as malaria are a threat to mankind.

Global warming is happening. Its happened before and will happen again, with or without humanity. Mankind would be better served trying to adapt to global warming rather than 'fighting' it. Mankind has adapted to the effects of global warming before.

A far bigger threat such as The Black Death wiped out most of Europe - yet we're still here 700 years later, far wealthier, healthier and with a much higher population than before.
A far bigger threat such as The Black Death wiped out most of Europe - yet we're still here 700 years later, far wealthier, healthier and with a much higher population than before.
We may well be better off because of the Black Death rather than despite it. The huge advances in agriculture, which were the precursor to the industrial revolution, came in the decades after the bubonic plague swept through Europe and Asia. While the changes it brought wiped out the great trading empire of the Mongols (which Marco Polo made his famous journey to visit) it enabled the backward and irrelevant Europe to develop in relative isolation and emerge a few hundred years later to dominate the world.

Not all change is bad.

Look why leave it to Malaria or global warming to keep population in check. A much better idea would be to start a human culling programme... lets say...50 million each year and see how it goes...now dont worry all you bleeding heart liberals out there it can be done humanely you wont have to watch disturbing pictures like seal clubbing while eating your tv dinner!!

Good god OP!! Countries in the developed world with good health care, not fighting epidemics such as malaria etc.. have lower birth rates than those in the underdeveloped world...eradicating malaria and othe global killers will in the long run keep populations down
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