What is more important: glazing or the window frame?


Registered User
We're building our new house and we're just about to decide where and which windows to order. I see all kinds of U values trying to sell either the glazing (double with LOW-E / Sunergy / ... coating) and another set of U values for different kind of frame profiles (aluminium / thermic aluminium / uPVC) I'm trying to figure out how much of an effect it makes to have a lower U value, but then I thought: where is it wiser to put our money?

Does a lower U value for the frame worth the money or should I concentrate on the glazing and invest more into a "better" coating or wider glass?
Along with what Branz has to say, the size of the panes will be another variable, frame to glazing ratio. With large panes, the glazed units will affect the overall efficiency more, with smaller panes, the frames will.

Your suppliers should be able to give you values for the overall units.