What is 'Metro'?


Registered User
Has anyone heard the ads for 'Metro' coming soon to Dublin, Galway, Cork etc.-they've been running on Today FM for the past week or so.

Anyone know what 'Metro' is?

Did a google, [broken link removed] seemed the most likely.
Close but no cigar?

I belive that the Metro coming might be the new offering from Digiweb broadband.

See this here - [broken link removed]

BUT I believe that the Metro newspaper is also on the cards but is a few months off

I'd say you're spot on efm, cheers.

I did get the impression from the SBP article that the Metro newspaper would be Dublin only.

Next question-does anyone know anything about the Digiweb offering, looks like SMART, but wuth HDTV and video?
I'd say you're spot on efm, cheers.

I did get the impression from the SBP article that the Metro newspaper would be Dublin only.

Next question-does anyone know anything about the Digiweb offering, looks like SMART, but wuth HDTV and video?

They are saying over on boards.ie that it is WiMax, not sure if they are right but if they are that would be different to Smart techwise as they are putting therir own equipment in the telephone exchanges therefore using DSL