what is involved in getting a new product into shops


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Ive got an idea for a new product that i could sell but one of the ways id like to sell it is through stores such as supervalue, spar, gala etc..
Now the product is similar to a pack like a sim pack ,call cards or aa membership etc that you see at counters of some stores.
how do these get there and who would i need to approach to get my pack in the stores? do i have to pay for stores to stock my pack or would they just take a cut of each product sold.

Many thanks
Alot of the spar's, eurospars, centra's ect are privately owned so you would need to approach them directly ( unless they did their own brand, then i think it would have to go through head office, but i dont think this would count with you) As for the bigger stores you would need to phone their head offices and ask for the purchasing manager.

I would start off in the smaller stores that dont have names and see where you go from there.

I doubt you would pay the stores, but you would sell it to them at a lower price than what they would sell it on at. And it would need to be worth their while, there not going to take up counter space for a tiny percentage.

Also you have to think of advertising aswell, posters for the shop. If the customers dont know it is there, then it wont sell very well at first since it is a new product, because they wont know about it.
thanks samanthajane
so do you mean i need to approach each individual centra store and ask would they stock the pack or could i approach the centra purchasing manager and they would then distribute the pack to all the different stores.
There would be no conflict of interest(they do not have there own brand)
Actually the pack itself is not the product either its just a possible channel of selling my product (Think of it on the lines of insurance/membership in a box).
So what would the steps be:
Design my pack
Arrange a meeting with a purchasing manager
Ask would they distribute the pack to the stores
How do i go about getting the bar code on the pack so that it scans.

More questions to follow - just exploring the idea
To be honest, I don't think that you will be successful if you have no contacts or experience in this market.

You will need professional design.
You will need professional marketing
You will need professional sales.

Think about teaming up with someone who can provide this to you.

Well I could do the design of the pack myself.
Id need to get the pack printed and into the stores (this is the Problem)
I can advertise, sell, distribute the product online with little cost.
Im just exploring the idea of selling the product via a new channel.
Samanthajane is correct that each Centra and Spar shop can be owned by different individuals. Our client base includes a number of these stores. One individual may own a number of stores.

Just make sure you know your mark up on the products and that after all the marketing,advertising, and costs invoved that you will still and can make a profit.

Make sure you know the profit margin on the product available for each buying group so you know your stuff when speaking to a buyer.Also he will ask for a discount so be prepared.

Knowing how your going to deliver the product across a chain of stores ,how long delivery takes, who takes the re orders, where are you going to stock the product are also thinks to bear in mind.

Best of luck.
And remember you would be better off selling to Head Office. Only one account to be paid from, instead of dozens of smaller ones.
You may need to get listed as a supplier for the symbol groups. Some of them then will ahve a supplier show where all the smaller supplier show their wares - primarily aimed at Christmas.

You'd be surprised at how easy it is to get a meeting with one of the group purchasing managers and they can probably give you loads of advice, or if you are a regular customer of a local store ask for a meeting w=ith the owner to get his / her views on viability of the product.