What is Clare Daly's stance on Russia and Ukraine?

Brendan Burgess

What is Clare Daly's record on the invasion of Ukraine?

I presume she has been all over the place?

She said last night that she has condemned the invasion.

"More militarisation doesn’t make you safer, it makes you less safe," Clare Daly said, adding that the perception that she was pro-Russian had been orchestrated by the Irish media and Irish establishment. She said she had condemned the invasion of Ukraine, and spoke in favour of its territorial integrity."

But she did vote against sanctions on Russia which would be pro-Russian.

She said that arming Ukraine was extending the war but wasn't challenged on the obvious "Well if we don't arm Ukraine, Russia will win the war."

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The need for unwavering EU support for Ukraine, after two years of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine (RC-B9-0143/2024)

Clare Daly (The Left). – Mr President, we are in the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine – hundreds of thousands dead, millions displaced and Ukraine lost as an independent state. Yet the only solution that people in here can come up with is to continue the failed policies that you’ve been implementing for the last two years. So I voted against this resolution.

I voted against it because only 93 people in here consider that it is necessary in all conflicts to undertake diplomatic efforts to end them, because only 71 people here regret that political and diplomatic efforts are not being used to end the war. I regret the fact that Parliament failed to take account of the writing-off and the cancellation of Ukraine’s debt to adhere to human rights and labour rights, and so on.

The truth of the matter is that the only interests we’re serving are the ones of the military industrial complex – not Ukraine at all.
I don't recall her ever condemning the invasion, or ever condemning Putin's regime as being culpable for it as an invasion, without some weasel words or talking out of both sides... condemning 'war' in general, as if both sides are equally culpable.

Anything she has said will have left wriggle room such that it is not actually a straight forward condemnation of the act by Russia of invading.
Her premise is that if you are attacked you should not defend yourself. Instead you should talk to the person attacking you and convince them to stop.

Her phrase "and Ukraine lost as an independent state" is an attempt on her part, repeated by Putin's cronies, that the war is lost and resisting Russia is just causing additional suffering. It's a despicable and insidious was of giving tacit support to Putin.
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Her default stance on any conflict is to be anti-NATO, anti-US, and her opinions relating to the Russian invasion of Ukraine can be understood in that light.

She, along with Mick Wallace, have been appeared on Russian TV - not exactly known for its unbiased approach to the war - where she condemned NATO and the West for assisting Ukraine militarily, so allowing herself to be used as anti-Western propaganda. Russian media have unsurprisingly praised her speeches on Ukraine.

Yes, she suggests only diplomacy can end the war. Has she put that to Putin ? Guess what the response would be?
She, along with Mick Wallace, have been appeared on Russian TV - not exactly known for its unbiased approach to the war - where she condemned NATO and the West for assisting Ukraine militarily, so allowing herself to be used as anti-Western propaganda.
In my opinion they knowingly and actively participated in pro-Russian and anti-Western propaganda. Mick and Clare are many things but stupid isn't one of them.
Russia and China have utilised "useful idiots" like this sorry pair for decades. The more influence and profile they have the better.
Claire daly is an extreme leftist politician, like alot of leftists she hates the current global order with the US at the top. She supports putin and Russia despite their despicable war crimes because she sees Russia as a counterweight to US, she not care that much about all the innocent Ukrainians getting killed. She like alot of leftists have never recovered from the collapse of the Soviet Union because all their theories were shown to be false. You can add brid Smyth to daly and Wallace aswell, she from the same gene pool
She like alot of leftists have never recovered from the collapse of the Soviet Union because all their theories were shown to be false. You can add brid Smyth to daly and Wallace aswell, she from the same gene pool
As is Michael D Higgins.
Maurice McCabe, The Bandon tapes, The fake breath tests.

Claire Daly has done the Garda great service, the country owes her a debt for that.