What is builders insurance for?


Registered User
I asked my builder to show me a copy of his insurance cover and he duly obliged but now that I have a copy I sudddenly realised I dont have a clue what this insurance covers!! Say for example he does shoddy work can I make him re-do the work and can he claim in his insurance?? Or if my house gets damaged while I vacated it to allow him work on it can I claim on his insurance?? Or if he swans off and laaves the work unfinished can I make a claim against him??

In other words what good is his insurance??

He should have employers liability and public liability and maybe plant insurance.
If he brings somebody onto the site to work and they are injured they will (might) sue for damages. If he isnt insured they will most likely come looking to you.
I dont think that the insurance covers you to sue him for breach of contract.
I doubt if any insuranve company would ensure a builder for that.
It covers you if he damages the rest of your house, or one of his workers steals from you, or is injured.
Say for example he does shoddy work can I make him re-do the work and can he claim in his insurance??

I'd say any insurance company offering such cover would last about 3 or 4 hours before the claims would bankrupt them!!!!
Noah, like Meathman says its to protect you against claims, Its a very expensive insurance and covers a lot of things and all for your and his protection, like if a slate blew off in the wind and hit a person or a car during construction or your postman got injured or fell over a concrete block in your driveway or as above someone he had working for him fell off a ladder, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that it won't be you they would be claiming off but off builders insurance,