What is America doing wrong these days?

Is what the Americans have democracy?

Democracy is a concept and its implementation alongside human nature is the challenge. Whats the relation between democracy and capitalism ?
In anyones opinion does any other country have a better version of 'democracy' ? And if so why ?

Simplistic, yes, but I was jsut getting the base point across. It is the 'control' that casues all these problems we are discussing. More laws lead to more restrictions, more restrictions lead to more resentment, more resentment leads to more energy being spent trying to circumvent the laws...and around we go.

Free market and competition are non existent in the markets where they should be most of all. Public transport, communications, finance and the like all need competition but with such massive govt input into these areas, we as a citizens are controlled too much. More control needs to be given back to the population in order to let them as a collective group decide what is right and wrong.
That's not what they have. Again your selective use of fact/ opinion paints an inaccurate picture

It's always stated that the way to win the election in the US is to drum up the biggest funding for the campaign? More money increases your chances of success! COrporations provide the funding, but at what price to the government taking office?
That's not what they have. Again your selective use of fact/ opinion paints an inaccurate picture

"Again"...??? Was there a first time?

It is what they have!! I challenge you to tell me that's not what they have...and explain to me what it is that they have?

It's as corrupt and smoke and mirrors a democratic implementation as I've ever seen. Americans (and the rest of us god love us) are sold a fictitious American dream...'land of the free'...it's the best way to keep the people down.

Ooops...my lefty side is showing...better put it away
And since we here in Ireland only seem to follow other govt suit with regard to major policy...I can see Ireland becoming the US mini-me given time.
"Again"...??? Was there a first time?
Ah there must have been

I think sign answered your questions to me very well.
Those with money/power will always have influence. Democracy curbs that influence and stops it becoming tyrannical, domestically at least.
People often cite US multinationals as having an undue influence in the US and around the world and yet pre First World War Europe and America were much more capitalistic and the large companies were much more powerful than anything we have today. The British East India Company had a royal charter to raise an army and overthrew governments. In fact the British head of state was a major shareholder. Nothing on this scale exists today.
King Leopold of Belgium owned the Congo in his own rite, not as head of state. His brand of unbridled capitalism directly killed tens of thousands of people and may have killed up to a million. Belgium had to buy the Congo from him in the end. Again, nothing on this scale happens today. Read "Heart of Darkness" to get the mood and "King Leopold’s Ghost" for the details.
So I suggest that not only are we not sliding into the abyss, we are more democratic today than we were 120 years ago and with the internet and global reporting on mainstream and indi media it has never been harder to restrict the truth.
Commercialism, profit-chasing & power. This is the driving factor that is killing our society in every country. Until we all learn to live as proper 'equals' and make decisions for the greater good of humanity, no exceptions, this will continue.

Venezuela is leading the way in this regard, it's just up to us to follow.