What is a listed artist?


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As far as I know a "listed" artist is an artist of some note, but where are listed artists listed?

How does one discover if an artist is listed? Where is the list?
Well, there's the Royal Irish Academy of Art http://www.ria.ie and The Royal Academy (UK) http://www.royalacademy.org.uk/ but I've never heard of an artist being 'listed' :confused: (I trained as and for many years practised as, an artist). You 'are' an 'Academician' or you are not. Membership or outsider status bear no relationship to the competence or level of talent.
Thanks euroDilbert!

I obtained this quote from one of the threads in your google link...

I believe the term "listed artist" refers only to having work sold through the major auction houses like Sotheby's, which can be verified by contacting them. It certainly does not apply to EBay auctions! and who would use that as proof of the value of their work anyway? Using the term to mean listed in a publication like a Who's Who, or a web directory, is a misuse of the term. Certainly being in a compendium can be helpful in your marketing efforts, but I suspect that the big time collectors know the difference. Also, the use of "listed artist" is normally used by a collector trying to resell the work, not by the artist in marketing the work originally. Hence, I would be suspect of any artist using this strategy to sell work.
Thinking about it further, "listed artist" might also mean a particular artist had been "listed" in public exhibition brochures in which case it's a rather clumsy indication the artist is "well-known" or "on the up".
Google link explains it in a nutshell. I would be very circumspect of listed artists on ebay, a breeding ground for chancers and fakes. Theres a good book you can read called, Fake, forgery and lies on ebay by K. Walton.
about a guy who forges and sells paintings on ebay. I have read that a vast majority of paintings been sold at auction are actually fakes! Theres a huge market for old works of art and plenty of suckers with loads of cash to buy them. ‘I was Vermeer’ is a fascinating read about a guy who makes millions forging Vermeers, he even fooled all the major art critcs of the time. This guy bought old frames from the same century as Ver. and came up with a way of crackling the gaze that even the most highly praised scholar couldn't tell the difference, but I'm totally going off the thread here so, the word...listed artist...used on ebay, I'd be wary.
Whyte's Auctioneers publishes the Buyer's Guide to Irish Art

and the Irish Arts Review produces a list of prices achieved at auction over the previous year.

This would give you some idea of the status of any Irish artist.

Marie said
Membership[of the RHA] or outsider status bear no relationship to the competence or level of talent.

Most of the members of the RHA would be generally regarded as having considerable artistic talent. They are admitted by their fellow artists, so it's an important form of recognition.

However, many people believe that some of the existing members have not merited admission. So membership is a good indication but not a guarantee of competence.

Art is subjective, for me a canvas with squares on it is not art as in the winner of the turner prize recently. However someone else may see it as art, therefore whether an artist is competent is debatable. I think 'modern art' is lacking in the skill artists had in the past. I love grafitti art, and some of these artists have gone on to make a lot of money selling limited edition prints. If Becca wants to buy art you should shop around, and go see end of year shows in NCAD and buy something original you will enjoy over the years.